diagnosis & further tests Flashcards
What to expect w/ condition of ovalocytes, *(include more0
- Macrocytic
- ovalocyte
- hypersegmentation*
Dx this? & what further testing would you do? FBC - dec. Hb - variable MCV - sub.-pop of RBC
Peripheral blood film
- poikilocytosis: spherocytes*, schistocytes
- polychromasia (+++)
- nRBC
- inc reticulocytes (>2%)
Dx: Haemolytic anaemia
- dec. Hb = anaemia
- variable MCV = macrocytes /reticulocytes
- polychromasia = reticulocytes
- reticulocytes = inc erythropoeisis = compensate for anaemia
Further tests
- Osmotic fragility = inc bc if mostly macrocytic
- Serum bilirubin bc low Hb = inc bilirubin released
- Direct antiglobulin test (DAT) > see if haemolysis is due to Ab
Dx this?
- Spherocytes
- osmotic fragility inc
- DAT: negative
- Reticulocytosis
Hereditary spherocytosis
Dx this?
>25% eliptocytes
~4% reticulocytes
hereditary elliptocytosis
Dx this? & further tests
- +++ stomatocytes
- macrocytosis
Dx: hereditary stomatocytes
Further test
- positive osmotic fragility test
- ektacytometric analysis
Dx this? & further test
- BF: heinz bodies, Bliseter cells, Bite cells, hemighost cells, shistocytes
-Dx: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Further test
- Fluorescent screen test = dec. NADPH, dec. fluorescence
- Definitive test = G6PD enzyme assay
Dx this?
- echinocytes
- reticulocytosis
pyruvate kinase deficiency
Dx this? & further test?
- FBC: macrocytosis (MCV), reticulocytosis
- BF: aggregates of RBC, Poikilocytosis, inc polychromasia
Dx: AIHA cold type
- Test: DAT
- anemia,
- normocytic, normochromic,
- inc RDW (anisocytosis),
- reticulocytosis,
- hyperchromic/spheroc.
- BF: SPHEROCYTES*, inc. polychromasia/reticulo.
Dx: AIHA warm type Further test: - test: DAT = positive (IgG) - osmotic fragility = inc., - Ind. bilirubin = inc
Dx this?
+ immune thrombocytopenia
+/or netropenia
evan’s syndrome
What’s the condition that has
- Thrombocytopenia
- Anaemia
- leukopenia
Leokocytosis further testing
- immunophenotype
- Functional assay
Dx reactive lymphocytosis
- **Viral infections
- Bacterial Infections
- Other infections: malaria
Dx (at chronic phases) & further tests*
- leukocytosis (+ or +++ inc in WBC)
- Inc granulocyte?*
- Eosinophilia, basophilia
- ~50 mature neutrophils
- (>10% blast = accelerated phase)
Dx: Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Further tests:*
- cytogenetics to detect translocation in 9, 22
- FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) to confirm fusion of genes
Dx this? & Fyrther test?*
- inc Hb, PCV & RBC (*not always Hi)
- Thrombocytosis
- Granulocytosis
Dx: Polycythaemia vera
Further test*
- Epo conc. ?*
- JAK2?*