Diagnosis and Treatment planning for single fixed restorations Flashcards
Treatment Planning for single tooth restorations begins with an analysis of each individual tooth AND the patient as a whole such as…
How is their home care?
Is there wear on many teeth?
Do they have a lot of restorations?
Are they in pain?
What are their financial abilities for treatment?
What is existing in the tooth already?
What treatment will maintain the tooth?
What treatment will strengthen the tooth?
What is existing in the tooth already?
What are the patients’ goals?
Is esthetics a concern for the patient?
Is the tooth periodontally stable?
Is there enough tooth structure for a fixed restoration?
Does the tooth need additional treatment?
Order of TX planning for fixed:
1: start with a complete medical & dental history
2: gather further data about the tooth in question (radiographs and perio charting)
3: look at the tooth in question to analyze what might be needed to restore it
4: what are the options for this patient and their tooth?
5: put tx options into categories & present options to pt
What contra-indications should you consider before beginning dental treatment?
- Cardiac issues
- Patients stability with diabetes or other diseases
- Patient home care
What do you need to see on radiographs before doing a single fixed restoration?
- Bone level
- Extent of decay or tooth destruction
- Endodontic condition
What do you need to see when periodontal charting before doing a single fixed restoration?
- Bone level
- Tissue condition
–Inflammation level
–Bleeding level
What fixed treatment can you do without a radiograph?
If the isthmus destruction greater than ½ intercuspal width what treatment?
Crown or Onlay
If more that 50% of tooth structure is gone and loss of cuspal support what treatment?
Crown (and likely a core build up too)
What should you do for extremely damaged teeth if they have combined central and peripheral destruction?
-Core Build up and Crown
-Possible RCT/Post/Core/Crown
What are ALL the options for treatment for this particular patient and this particular tooth?
RCT / Post / Core
Build up and Crown
Onlay / Inlay
Other – Bridge / Implant
What is the best way to present the treatment options to the patient?
Best – Strengthen tooth and provide excellent esthetics
Better – Strengthen the tooth
Acceptable – Repair the tooth, but not necessarily improve its strength
Not Recommended – not an option for this patient’s tooth
Loss of cusp and greater than 50% of tooth structure compromised…
CROWN! Is best / ideal choice
What types of materials are used for fixed restorations?
-Ceramic (e.Max, Empress)
-Zirconia Fused to Porcelain (PFZ)
-Composite formulations (CEREC)
-Metal-Ceramic (Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM))
What are the pros of gold crowns?
-Gentle on gingiva
-Low wear on opposing teeth
-Longest lasting restoration we have in dentistry so far
-Can be burnished to seal smallest of margins
-Very low risk of crown fracture
-Contacts can be added to
-Easily polished
What are the cons of a gold crown?
-Not esthetic
-Labor intensive for lab technician