Diagnosis Flashcards
What indicates an urgent referral for possible lung cancer?
Admission - symptomatic SVC obstruction, stridor
> 40 with unexplained haemoptysis/suggestive CXR
> 40 with
- persistent/recurrent chest infection
- finger clubbing
- supraclavicular/cervical lymphadenopathy
- thrombocytosis
- 2x cough, fatigue, SOB, chest pain, weight loss, anorexia, smoker, asbestos hx
What indicates an urgent referral for possible upper GI cancer?
- dysphagia
- > 55 with weight loss and upper abdo pain/reflex/dyspepsia
> 40 with jaundice/upper abdo mass
CT of pancreas
- > 60 with weight loss and…
- diarrhoea/back pain/abdo pain/nausea/constipation/ new diabetes
Non-urgent endoscopy
- > 55 years with…
- tx resistant dyspepsia/upper abdo pain with low Hb or platelets/N&V with upper GI symptoms or weightloss
- OR haematemesis
What indicates an urgent referral for possible lower GI cancer?
- Positive faecal occult blood
- > 40 with abdo pain and weightloss
- > 50 with PR bleeding
- > 60 with iron deficiency anaemia/change in bowel habit
- Rectal/abdo mass
- anal ulceration
- <50 with PR bleed plus GI sx/weight loss/iron deficiency anaemia
When should faecal occult blood testing be done?
> 50 with abdo pain/weight loss
<60 with change in bowel habit/iron deficiency anaemia
60 with anaemia
What indicates an urgent referral for possible gynae cancer?
Pelvic mass (not fibroid)
>55 with post menopausal bleeding
What indicates an urgent referral for possible breast cancer?
> 30 with breast lump
50 with Sx/nipple change
- skin changes
- > 30 with axillary lump
What indicates an urgent referral for possible urology cancer?
Irregular prostate on PR
Abnormal age-specific PSA
> 40 with unexplained visible haematuria
60 with unexplained non-visible haematuria with high WCC/dysuria
Non-painful enlargement/change to testicle
What indicates an urgent referral for possible CNS cancer?
Progressive subacut loss of central neurological function
What are the main non-specific signs of cancer?
Weight loss Anorexia DVT Night sweats Malaise Fatigue
What are the histopathological signs of meningioma?
Spindle cells in concentric whorls
Calcified psammoma bodies
What are the symptoms of renal cell carcinoma?
Haematuria Flank apin Abdo mass Weigth loss Fevers HTN Night sweats Malaise
What are the signs of teratomas?
High bHCG and AFP
Testes lump - dragging sensation
What are the signs of pancreatic cancer?
Painles sjaundice
Stool chanes
Dark urine
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia