Diabetes Kania Part 4 Flashcards
Fetal risks in diabetes in pregnancy
-Spontaneous abortion
-Fetal anomalies
-Fetal demise
-Macrosomia – a baby who’s much larger than average
-Neonatal hypoglycemia
-Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
Maternal risks in diabetes in pregnancy
Pre-conception counseling for women with diabetes
-Women with diabetes should have pre-conception counseling and establish care with multidisciplinary team
-Family planning should be discussed
-Diabetes treatment regimen and A1C should be optimized before pregnancy
-Goal A1C is less than 6.5% (pre-conception)
FBS target in pregnancy
70-95 mg/dL
1-hr postprandial targets in pregnancy
110-140 mg/dL
2-hr postprandial target in pregnancy
100-120 mg/dL
Ideal A1C target in pregnancy
Less than 6% is ideal but less than 7% is fine if trying to prevent hypoglycemia
How does insulin physiology change during pregnancy?
-In early pregnancy, insulin sensitivity is enhanced and hypoglycemia can ensue, especially in patients with type 1 diabetes
-By 16 weeks, insulin resistance increases and total daily insulin dose increases ~5% per week through week 36
-Insulin requirement levels off in third trimester with placental aging
-A rapid reduction in insulin requirements may mean developmental placental insufficiency
What happens to type 1 diabetes patients during pregnancy?
-Increased risk of hypoglycemia during first trimester
-Changes in counterregulatory hormones during prenancy may decrease hypoglycemia awareness
-Pregnancy is a ketogenic state, increasing risk of DKA
-DKA can increase stillbirths
-Insulin sensitivity increases with delivery of the placenta and returns to pre-pregnancy levels at 1-2 weeks
What happens to type 2 diabetes patients during pregnancy?
-Risk for co-morbidities is higher
-Pregnancy loss is more common in third trimester vs first in type 1 patients
-Insulin requirements will drop significantly after delivery
Target BP for a patient that has type 2 diabetes and is pregnant
What is the recommended weight gain for overweight women during pregnancy?
15-20 pounds
What is the recommended weight gain for obese women during pregnancy?
10-20 pounds
Treatment for gestational diabetes
-Insulin is preferred
-Metformin can be used if patients cannot take insulin
-Avoid glyburide/glipizide because they can cause macrosomia and birth injury
How to dose insulin for gestational diabetes
-0.7-1.0 units/kg/day
-Divide dose between basal-bolus insulins
-Adjust based on response
How to monitor post-partum gestational diabetes
-Check OGTT 4-12 weeks postpartum
-Check for diabetes then every 1-3 years
How is T2DM in pediatric patients different than T2DM in adults?
-More rapid decline in B-cell function
-More accelerated development of diabetes complications
Target A1C goal for diabetic pediatric patients
A1C less than 7%
How do you treat T1DM in pediatric patients?
-Treatment: Insulin
-Pump therapy preferred for most patients
-Use of CGM imperative for good control
-Work with the school system
-Be cognizant of psychosocial aspects of the disease in youth
What is the most important thing to stress to pediatric patients suffering from T2DM?
Medical nutrition therapy and exercise important, especially in this population