Diabetes Flashcards
what 2 things causes hyperglycemia in diabetes
decreased insulin secretion and decreased insulin sensitivity
what type of cells produces insulin
what organ produces insulin
where does insulin cause glucose to go
into body cells
quick glucose reserve stored for later use by liver cells
what cells produces glucagon
what does glucagon do
turns glycogen into glucose
what glucagon signals fat cells to make for energy source if glycogen in depleted
type 1 diabetes
autoimmune destruction of beta-cells
body uses ketones from fat for energy
very low or absent c-peptide level
what age can be first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
c-peptide test
used to determine if patient is still producing insulin
type 2 diabetes
insulin resistance and deficiency
obesity, physical inactivity, family history
can be managed with lifestyle modifications alone or with oral and/or injectable medications
increased risk of developing diabetes
BG higher than normal
dietary and exercise recommendations
how often should prediabetes be monitored for DM
who can esp. benefit from metformin in prediabetes
BMI 35 or more
history of GDM
diabetes in pregnancy
prior to becoming pregnant or during pregnancy (GDM)
puts babies at risk for diabetes and obesity to have mother with hyperglycemia during pregnancy
babies born to mothers with hyperglycemia in pregnancy are larger than normal
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
used to test pregnant women with GDM
preferred first treatment for GDM
lifestyle (diet and exercise)
preferred medication for GDM
DM risk factors
physical inactivity
BMI >25 (23 in Asian-Americans)
race/ethnicity: AA, Asian-American, Latino/Hispanic-American, Native American, Pacific Islander
history of GDM
A1C 5.7 or more
first-degree FH
increasing age
Symptoms of hyperglycemia
DKA in T1D
what is the most common initial presentation of T1DM
when should everyone begin being tested for DM
when should asymptomatic children be tested for DM
overweight with at least 1 other risk factor
3 diagnostic tests for DM
A1C (shows BG over 3 months)
FPG (fast for 8 hours or longer)
OGTT (measure BG 2 hours after drinking sugary liquid)
what is the A1C criteria for diabetes
6.5 or more
what is the A1C criteria for prediabetes
what is the FPG criteria for diabetes
126 or more
what is the FPG criteria for prediabetes
what is the OGTT criteria for diabetes
200 or more
what is the OGTT criteria for prediabetes
what is next step after test diagnosis DM
confirm with second abnormal test unless there is clear clinical diagnosis (class symptoms plus abnormal test)
what is the A1C goal in non-pregnant DM
<6.5 may be acceptable if can be reached without significant hypoglycemia
<8 may be appropriate if severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy
what is the preprandial goal for non-pregnant DM
what is the preprandial goal in GDM
95 or less
what is the 1-hr PPG in GDM
140 or less
what is the 2-hr PPG in non pregnant DM
What is the 2-hr PPG in GDM
120 or less
how often should glycemic control be tested
every 3 months if not at goal
every 6 months if at goal
how to convent A1C to eAG
A1C 6% = 126 mg/dL eAG
each addition 1% inc = inc eAG by 28 mg/dL
goal waist circumferance
<35 female
<40 male
should T1DM or T2DM use carb counting with prandial insulin matches carb intake
1 serving of carbs
15 g
one small piece of fruit
1 slice of bread
1/3 c cooked rice/pasta
physical activity goals
150 minutes/week over 3 or more days
stand every 30 minutes
microvascular disease examples
peripheral neuropathy
autonomic neuropathy (gastroparesis, loss of bladder control, ED)
macrovascular disease examples
same as ASCVD
CAD (inc. MI)
CVA (inc stroke)
when should aspirin 81 mg/day be used
ASCVD secondary prevention
not primary prevention; can consider if high risk
use in pregnancy to dec risk of preeclampsia
diabetic retinopathy screening
eye exam with dilation at DM diagnosis
how often should eye exam be repeated if abnormal (retinopathy)
vaccination recommendation
Hepatitis B series
yearly Influenza
Pneumococcal per guidelines
neuropathy testing frequency
what should be used for neuropathy test
10-g monofilament test and 1 other (pinprick, temperature, vibration) to test sensation
what are treatment options for neuropathy
what are every day foot care counseling tips
moisturize top and bottom of feet
do not moisturize between toes
keep toenails trimmed with nail file to not leave sharp edges
wear socks and shoes
elevate feet when sitting
each office visit take off shoes to have feet checked
how often should comprehensive foot exam be done
who should receive high-intensity statin
diabetes + ASCVD
50-75 w/ multiple ASCVD risk factors
who should receive moderate-intensity statin
diabetes + age 40-75 w/o ASCVD
diabetes + age <40 + ASCVD risk factors
when should ezetimibe be added-on to maximally tolerated statin
ASCVD 10-yr risk >20%
how often should lipids be monitored
how often should urine albumin and eGFR be monitored for diabetic kidney disease if normal kidney function
how often should urine albumin and eGFR be monitored for diabetic kidney disease if abnormal kidney function
twice yearly if eGFR 30-60
what should be used to treat diabetic kidney disease with albuminuria
what should be used to treat diabetic kidney disease if eGFR 25 or more and urine albumin 300 or more
albuminuria criteria
either urine albumin 30 mg/24 hours or UACR 30 mg/g
BP goal
<130/80 (esp ASCVD or 10-yr risk 15% or more)
<140/90 if ASCVD risk <15%
what should be used to treat BP if no albuminuria
what should be used to treat BP if albuminuria
what natural products can decrease BG
alpha lipoic acid
generally first-line treatment
what should be added to metformin if ASCVD or high risk (55 or older with CAD, carotid or lower extremity artery stenosis >50%, LVH)
GLP1 with proven ASCVD benefit: liraglutide, dulaglutide, SC semaglutide
SGLT2i with proven ASCVD benefit: canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin
what should be added to metformin and SGLT2i or GLP1 if still above goal after adding med for ASCVD, HF, CKD
GLP-1if not started: liraglutide, dulaglutide, etc.
SGLT2i if not started: canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin, etc.
TZD: pioglitazone, rosiglitazone
basal insulin
sulfonylureas: glipizide, glimepiride, glyburide
what drug should be added to metformin if HF
SGLT2i with benefit: canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin