Deviance, Crime, and Social Control Flashcards
A violation of social norms
A violation of society’s formal laws
A negative label that devalues a person and changes her or his self-concept and social identity
Victimization survey
interviews people about being crime victims
hate crime
a criminal act motivated by hostility toward a particular race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability.
White-Collar crime
illegal activities committed by high-status people in the course of their occupations
Corporate Crimes (also called organizational crimes)
illegal acts committed by executives to benefit themselves and their companies
cybercrime (also called computer crime)
illegal activities that are conducted online
Organized Crime
Activities of individuals and groups that supply illegal goods and service for profit
Victimless Crimes
acts that violate laws but those involved don’t consider themselves victims.
The condition in which people are unsure how to behave because of absent, conflicting, or confusing social norms
Strain Theory
Posits that people may engage in deviant behavior when they experience a conflict between goals and the means available to obtain them
A hierarchal system in which cultural, political, and economic structures are controlled by men
Rape Culture
An environment in which sexual violence is prevalent, pervasive, and perpetuated by the media and popular culture.
Differential Association theory
Asserts that people learn deviance through interaction, especially with significant others.
Labeling Theory
Posits that society’s reaction to behavior is a major factor in defining oneself or others a deviant
Primary Deviance
The initial act of breaking a rule
Secondary Deviance
Rule-breaking behavior that people adopt in response to other’s reactions
Medicalization of deviance
Diagnosing and treating a violation of social norms as a medical disorder
Social Control
The techniques and strategies that regulate people’s behavior in society
Control Theory
Proposes that deviant behavior decreases when people have strong social bonds with others
Criminal Justice System
Government agencies that are charged with enforcing laws, judging offenders, and changing criminal behavior
Crime Control Mode
Proposes that crime rates increase when offenders don’t fear apprehension or punishment