Developmental Stages Flashcards
Oral Stage (birth to one year)
Anal Stage: (1-3 years)
Phallic Stage: (3-6 years)
Latent Stage: (6-Puberty)
Genital Stage: (Puberty-Adult)
Stages of Psychosexual Development
What did Sigmund Freud believe?
Freud believed that personality developed through a series of childhood stages in which
the pleasure-seeking energies of the id become focused on certain erogenous areas.
What are the stages of psychosexual development?
Oral Stage (birth to one year)
Anal Stage: (1-3 years)
Phallic Stage: (3-6 years)
Latent Stage: (6-Puberty)
Genital Stage: (Puberty-Adult)
Psyche includes…what in regards to the psychosexual stages of development?
Id (a human’s basic, instinctual drives. Pleasure seeking); Ego
(attempts to mediate between id and reality); and Superego (reflects the internalization
of cultural rules usually learned from parents).
The psychosexual energy is described as…what?
the driving force behind behavior.
People actively construct higher levels of knowledge…what developmental theory is this based on?
Piaget’s Developmental Theory
Incorporation of
new information into existing schemas.
modification of existing
a combination of assimilation and accommodation.
What are Piaget’s Stages of Development?
Sensorimotor Stage: (birth to 2 years)
Preoperational Stage:(2 to 7 years)
Concrete Operational Stage: (7 to 11 years)
Formal Operational Stage: (11+ years)
What are the three achievements/co-stages of the Sensorimotor stage?
Object Permanence allows the child to recognize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight. Ex: A child searches for a toy that is hidden
under a blanket, even if the toy cannot be seen.
Causality is when the child recognizes that certain events cause other events. Ex: A child realizes that they can use their hand to pick up and move a toy to a different spot.
Symbolic Thought is when the child begins to use language (symbols) to think about actions before performing them. Ex: A child begins to understand that
words represent an object such as a dog or cat
What developmental theory is Based on Freud’s emphasis on unconscious motivation?
Erikson’s Developmental Theory
Stages of Erikson’s Developmental Theory
Trust vs. Mistrust: (0-18 months)
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt:(18 months to 3 years)
Initiative vs. Guilt: (3-6 years)
Industry vs. Inferiority:(6-12 years)
Identity vs. Role Confusion: (12-18 years)
Intimacy vs. Isolation:(18-40 years)
Generativity vs. Stagnation:(40-65 years)
Ego Integrity vs. Despair:(65-death)
What theory focuses on the reciprocal relationship between a mother and her infant and its effect on the infant’s development of sense of self that occurs in three stages?
Mahler Stages of Development
What are the three stages for Mahler stages of Development?
Autistic Stage (newborn-1 month)
Symbiotic Stage (1-5 months)
Separation-Individuation Stage (5-24 months+)
An infant’s primary interaction with the world is through the mouth. The mouth is vital for eating, and the infant derives pleasure from oral stimulation through gratifying activities such as tasting and sucking
Oral Stage: (birth-1 year)
Toilet training is a primary issue with children and parents. Too much pressure can result in an excessive need for order or cleanliness later in life (anal retentive), while too little pressure from parents can lead to messy or destructive behavior later
in life (anal expulsive).
Anal Stage: (1-3 years)
At this stage children become aware of their gender identity
Phallic Stage: (3-6 years)
During this stage, people develop a strong interest in the opposite sex. If development
has been successful to this point, the individual will continue to develop into a well balanced person
Genital Stage: (Puberty-Adult)
A key characteristic of this stage is the symbolic
function, which allows the child to learn through the use of mental images, language and other symbols that represent objects that aren’t present. Children during this stage engage in symbolic play and can solve problems mentally.
Preoperational Stage:(2 to 7 years)
Children are capable of performing mental
operations using logic and abstract thinking. This allows children to classify and problem-solve
in more sophisticated ways.
Concrete Operational Stage: (7 to 11 years)
During this stage, the adolescent or young adult is
able to think abstractly, hypothetically, and in a relativistic way. Adolescents can develop competing hypotheses about a problem and strategies for testing the hypotheses. There is an
increase in ‘thinking about thinking’ and some return to egocentrism during this stage.
Formal Operational Stage: (11+ years)