Child Abuse and Neglect Flashcards
Child Abuse
The recurrent infliction of physical or emotional injury on a dependent minor, through intentional beatings, uncontrolled corporal punishment, persistent ridicule and degradation, or sexual abuse. Most child abuse is committed by parents, guardians, or caretakers. State laws require social workers and other professionals to report instances of suspected child abuse to the appropriate authorities.
Child Neglect
The failure of those responsible for the care of a minor to provide the resources needed for healthy physical, emotional, and social development. Child neglect is seen as an act of omission by caregivers because of limited abilities or resources or other circumstances; it is differentiated from child abuse, which is seen as more willful.
Indicators of Abuse
presence of multiple injuries in different stages of healing, bruises on soft body parts (i.e. buttocks, abdomen, genitals, rope burns, bite burns, head injuries
Indicators of Neglect
attempts to comfort herself, poor weight gain, developmental delays, failure to thrive, hoarding or stealing food to survive. dirty, unwashed and foul body order
Indicators of Sexual Abuse
Marked change in child’s behavior, bedwetting, fallen asleep in class, not taking showers, highly sexualized talk beyond child’s age/level, Talking in an explicit manner, dissociative state (avoiding memory of past child sexual abuse).
“Sex between minors”
Refer to state guidelines - in a case in which two minors are having sex. ex: 15 y/o having sex w/17y/o boyfriend.
“Signs of Neglect”
Minor left home alone; possibly with younger siblings (CPO report), medical neglect- ex. when parents of child refuse treatment due to religious reasons, however, refusal of treatment could mean serious consequences or even death. (may trigger CPO report)
Abuse and Neglect of Elderly
physically, social isolation, financial abuse, Neglect- caretaker doesn’t care of dependent adequately. Medical neglect - caretake fails to take dependent to doctor/ doesn’t give dependent needed meds/treatment.
(elderly or incapacitated adult) not taking care of themselves or household.
(elder or incapacitated adult) Caretake leaves dependent w/o leaving any resources to help care for dependent.
A child who is remote, withdrawn, compliant, detached, and unresponsive to engagement
● Ambivalent, insecure attachment patterns
● Regressive behavior
● Frozen watchfulness
● Aggressive or hyperactive behavior
● Difficulty concentrating
● Lying, stealing, fighting, angry outbursts, aggression, drug use, truancy, social withdrawal,
anxiety, depression, or dissociative episodes (it’s important to rule out abuse before viewing this as antisocial behavior or Conduct Disorder)
Behavioral and Emotional Indicators of Abuse
Fecal or urinary incontinence after potty training; or other regressive behaviors (such as
● Not wanting to be left alone with certain people or new fear of being away from primary
● Masturbation with a driven quality
● Mimicking sex/pelvic thrusting
● Refusing to bathe/inadequate personal hygiene
● Difficulty sleeping and/or nightmares
● Asks other children to behave sexually or play sexual games
● Mimics sexual behaviors with toys, dolls, or stuffed animals
● Somatic complaints without a physical cause
● Changes in weight or appetite
● Bruising, irritation, or swelling in genital area or difficulty walking or sitting
● Blood on underwear or bedding
● Urinary or yeast infections
● Sexually transmitted infection
● Post traumatic stress symptoms
Physical and Behavioral Indicators of Sexual Abuse