PIAGET: Believed
Cognitive development depends upon the interaction of the brains biological maturation with personal experiences
Proposed all children go through 4 cognitive steps
- Regardless of culture
Each linked to an approximate age range
Some people may be capable of more advanced thinking than that associated with their chronological are, still use mental abilities associated with an earlier stage
PIAGET: Stages
Developmental periods in which characteristic patterns of behavior are demonstrated
Specific capacities of behavior become established or evident
Stage theories different from continuous approaches to development
- Changes are quiet smooth and linear as they are marked by more discontinuous steps of development
PIAGET: Three assumptions that characterize stage approaches
- individuals must progress through specific stages in a certain unchanging order where each stage builds on the previous one
- movement and progression through the stages is closely linked to age changes
- development at each stage is sign-posted by major steps that lead to dramatic behavior transitions
PIAGET: How infants understand the world
The child works through the creating of thinking frameworks, concept or mental patterns called schemas
The infant’s simple frameworks, based around reflexes such as gripping and sucking, become more complex and symbolic as the child gets older
A child develops these frameworks via the duel process of assimilation and accomodation
As we interact with our world we construct and modify our schemas
PIAGET: Schema
An idea about what something is and how to deal with it - these are the basic building clocks of intelligent behavior that enables them to understand their world
PIAGET: Assimilation
How a child uses old frameworks to deal with new ones; they ‘fit’ the world into what they already know
PIAGET: Accomodation
How existing methods or ideas are changed to deal with or adjust to new situations
PIAGET: Sensorimotor Stage
(0-2 years)
- Child’s intellectual development is mostly non-verbal
- Mainly concerned with learning to coordinate purposeful movements with information from the senses by looking at, touching and mouthing objects in their immediate environment
- Begin to integrate sensory and motor information and or coordinate their motor responses
- Gradually learn that there is a relationship between their actions and the external world
- Learn that they can manipulate objects and produce effects
- -> object permanence
PIAGET: Preoperational Stage
(2-7 years)
- Begin to think symbolically and use language
- Thinking is still very intuitive
- -> thinking the sun follows you when you walk - Use of language is not as sophisticated as it might seem
- -> tendency to confuse words with the objects they represent
- -> name of object as much a part of it as size, shape, and colour - Egocentrism
- Animism
- Centration
- Transformatin
- Seriation
PIAGET: Concrete Operational Stage
(7-11 years)
- Begin to use concepts of time, space and number
- Can think logically about very concrete objects or situations, categories and principles
- Ability to reverse thoughts or mental operations
- Reversibility
- Conservation
- Classification
PIAGET: Formal Operational Stage
(11 years and up)
- Thinking is based more on abstract principles, such as democracy or honor
- Become less egocentric
- Also become able to consider hypothetical possibilities
- Able to consider the possibilities and discuss their implications
- Full intellectual ability is attained during this stage
- Capable of inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning and they can comprehend more advanced mathematics, physics, philosophy, psychology and other abstract systems
- Can test hypothesis in a scientific manner
- Can think formally about some topics, but their thinking becomes concrete when the topic is unfamiliar
- Formal thinking may be more a result of cultural and learning than of maturation
- Abstract thinking
- Logical thinking
- Inductive thinking
- Deductive thinking
KOHLBERG: Believed
- That there is a universal sequence to the development of morality and the stages begin early in childhood
- Saw morality as developing in innate stages in a set order when biological maturation is ready as experiences which fail to fit existing schemas challenge current moral thinking
- Each moral stage involves different kinds of thinking to reach moral decisions, the focus on how moral thinking occurs
- Moral behavior results from moral thinking
KOHLBERG: Preconventional Stage
- Stage to show signs that they are starting to have a basic understanding of moral behavior
- ‘Preconventional’ as children don’t yet speak as members of society - they see morality as something external to themselves
- Think in terms of n external authority where acts are described as wrong if they are punished and right if they lead to a positive consequence
KOHLBERG: Preconventional Stage
STAGE 1 = Punishment and Obedience
- Egocentric - punishment rather than interest in others
- Don’t recognized different points of view
- Punishment provides information about what is wrong not good or bad
- Confuses perspective of authority with one’s own
KOHLBERG: Preconventional Stage
STAGE 2 = Naive Reward Related to Self
- Child follows rules if in their interest, rewards, pleasure seeking orientation
- Correct behavior is based on own needs - moral thinking is based on reward and self interest
- Shows concerns for others but not out of loyalty or justice - more you help me the more I help you
- Aware of different interests and that these may cause conflict - start to realize that other people have needs that need to be met as well