Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Head lag at 1 month: normal or abnormal?
FINE MOTOR at 1 month
grabs rattle on contact (GRASP REFLEX)
LANGUAGE at 1 month
- makes sounds while eating
- shows emotions: anger, sadness and joy
SENSORY at 1 month
- fixates eyes on object 8-10 inches away
- quiets to voices
SLEEP at 1 month
16-17 hours per day
GROSS MOTOR at 1 month
- turns head from side to side
- briefly lifts head when prone
GROSS MOTOR at 2 months
- decreasing head lag
- lifts head and chest while prone
- holds head upright but forward when sitting
- symmetric tonic neck position
FINE MOTOR at 2 months
- hands open
LANGUAGE at 2 months
- vocalizes more than crying
- coos
- vocalizes to familiar voice
SENSORY at 2 months
- follows toy side to side
- searches for sounds
- turns head to sounds
social smile more awake during daytime
SLEEP at 2 months
- sleeps more at night (8-10h)
- 3-4 daytime naps (6-7h)
At what age do primitive reflexes start to fade?
3 months
GROSS MOTOR at 3 months
- holds head erect when sitting
- minimal head lag
- raises head/shoulders to 45-90 degrees when prone
- inspects hands
- begins to bear weight when standing
FINE MOTOR at 3 months
- holds rattle; does not reach for it
- pulls at blanket and clothes
LANGUAGE at 3 months
- squeals to show pleasure
- coos
- babbles
- vocalizes when smiling and spoken to
SENSORY at 3 months
- looks at mirror, pictures of faces
- turns head to locate sound
- follows object 180 degrees
- shows interest in surroundings
- stops crying when parents enter the room
- recognizes familiar objects
- begins to be aware of strange things
SLEEP at 3 months
15-16 hours/day
When do babies begin to drool?
4 months
When do the MORO and TONIC REFLEXES disappear?
4 months
At what age can a child sit upright when propped?
4 months
GROSS MOTOR at 4 months
- begins to roll prone to supine
- raises head and chest 90 degrees off surface when supine
FINE MOTOR at 4 months
- plays with own hands
- pulls objects reaches for items
- grasps rattle when placed in hands but can’t pick it up
- mouths most objects
LANGUAGE at 4 months
- laughs out loud shows mood
- makes b, g, k, n, and p sounds
SENSORY at 4 months
- focuses on objects 1/2 inch from face
- begins eye-hand control
- enjoys interactions
- fusses to demand attention
- anticipates feedings (beginnings of memory)
- prefers certain toys
SLEEP at 4 months
- develops regular sleep/wake pattern
- briefly self-soothes
- may sleep through the night w/o feeding
- sleeps 12-15 h/day
GROSS MOTOR at 5 months
- rolls supine to prone
- inserts toes in mouth
- keeps back straight w/o head lag
- holds erect when sitting
- sits well w/ support
FINE MOTOR at 5 months
- palmar grasp to pull objects to mouth
- plays with toes
LANGUAGE at 5 months
- squeals with delight
- begins cooing
- vocalizes displeasure when objects taken away
SENSORY at 5 months
- follows dropped objects
- localizes sounds made below ear
- recognizes family members
- smiles at mirror image
- pats bottle/breast with hands
- plays enthusiastically
- discovers body parts
SLEEP at 5 months
- 3 naps per day
- 10-11 hours straight at night
PHYSICAL at 6 months
- double birth weight
- height increases by 0.5 inch per month
- chewing/biting begins
GROSS MOTOR at 6 months
- rolls from supine to prone
- lifts chest and upper abdomen
- bears weight on hand when prone
- sits in high chair with back straight
- bears weight on legs when supported
FINE MOTOR at 6 months
- grasps
- bangs small objects
- releases one object when offered another
- grasps feet; pulls to mouth
- holds bottle
LANGUAGE at 6 months
- begins to imitate sounds
- one-syllable utterances
- vocalizes to toys
- face brightens to own sounds
SENSORY at 6 months
- adjusts posture to see an object
- localizes sound made above ear
- recognizes parents; fears strangers
- extends arms to be picked up
- imitates sticking out tongue, coughing
- definitive likes/dislikes
- searches briefly for dropped objects
SLEEP at 6 months
- 13-14h/day
- 2-3 naps
- uninterrupted night sleep
GROSS MOTOR at 7 months
- lifts head off surface when supine
- bears weight on hands when prone
- sits erect, then leans forward to tripod position
- bounces when held standing
FINE MOTOR at 7 months
- grasps with 1 hand
- holds 2 objects
- bangs objects on table
- transfers objects b/w hands
- rakes objects
LANGUAGE at 7 months
- vocalizes 4 distinct vowels c
- ombines vowels and consonants (e.g. baba, dada) – no meaning to “words”
SENSORY at 7 months
- responds to own name
- turns head to localize sound
- definite taste preferences
- fixates on small objects
PHYSICAL at 8 months
- regular bowel/bladder patterns
GROSS MOTOR at 8 months
- sits steadily unsupported
- bears weight when standing
- may stand holding onto furniture
- adjusts position to reach object
FINE MOTOR at 8 months
- pincer grasp
- releases objects at will
- shakes rattle or bell
- holds 2 cubes while eyeing a 3rd
- reaches for out-of-reach objects
LANGUAGE at 8 months
- listens selectively to familiar words
- consonant sounds include T and W
- begins to vocalize with emphasis on emotion
- increased anxiety when parent unseen
- increased stranger anxiety
- understands “no”
- dislikes dressing/diaper changes
SLEEP at 8 months
- 11-12h/night (w/o feeding)
- 2-3 naps daily
GROSS MOTOR at 9 months
- sits up to 10 minutes on the floor
- recovers if leans forward; may fall if leans sideways
- pulls to stand when holds onto furniture
- crawls
FINE MOTOR at 9 months
- hand dominance emerges
- refines pincer grasp
- compares objects by bringing them together
LANGUAGE at 9 months
- comprehends “no”
- responds to simple verbal commands
SENSORY at 9 months
localizes sound by turning head
- shows increased interest to please parent
- fights having face washed
- beginning of fears of bedtime and being left alone
SLEEP at 9 months
- 11-12h/night
- 2 naps daily
GROSS MOTOR at 10 months
- walks and begins to stand and walk holding onto furniture
- changes from standing to sitting by falling down
- begins to lift 1 foot as if taking a step
- changes from prone to sitting position
FINE MOTOR at 10 months
begins to grasp objets by handle
LANGUAGE at 10 months
- says “mama”/”dada” w/ meaning
- comprehends “bye-bye”
- may say one-syllable words like “hi” or “bye”
SOCIALIZATION at 10 months
- develops object permanence
- repeats actions that attract attention and cause laughter
- plays interactively
- stops behavior when told “no”
- reacts to scolding or anger with crying
- looks at and follows along w/ picture books
- attempts to feed self
- helps to dress by extending a leg or arm
SLEEP at 10 months
- 11-12h/night w/o feeding
- 2 naps
PHYSICIAL at 11 months
eruption of lower lateral incisor may begin
GROSS MOTOR at 11 months
- pivots while sitting to reach backward to pick up object
- walks while holding onto furniture or with both hands held
FINE MOTOR at 11 months
- has well-developed pincer grasp
- offers objects to others and then intentionally drops object for them to pick it up
- places one object into container (SEQUENTIAL PLAY)
- manipulates object to remove it from container
LANGUAGE at 11 months
continues to imitate speech sounds
SOCIALIZATION at 11 months
- experiences joy/delight when task completed
- rolls ball forward when requested
- anticipates body gestures in games and songs
- plays games like “peek-a-boo”
- shakes head sideways for “no”
SLEEP at 11 months
- 11-12h/night w/o feeding
- 2 naps for total of 2-2.5h/day
PHYSICIAL at 12 months
- TRIPLES birth weight
- 1.5x birth length
- equal head and chest circumference
- anterior fontanel starts to close
- lordosis when walking
GROSS MOTOR at 12 months
- walks holding 1 hand
- attempts to stand w/o holding furniture
- may take first steps
- sits from standing
FINE MOTOR at 12 months
- easily releases cubes into cup
- builds 2-cube towers
- begins using spoon and cup
- easily turns book pages
LANGUAGE at 12 months
- says “mama” and “dada” and 3-5 other words
- receptive language > expressive language
- knows object names (e.g. ball, blanket)
- imitates animal noises
- understands one-step commands
SENSORY at 12 months
- follows rapidly-moving objects
- listens for sounds to return
SOCIALIZATION at 12 months
- enjoys familiar settings of home and day care
- begins to explore being away from parent
- shows joy and delight
- gives affection by hugging or kissing when asked
- gets angry when jealous
- may cling to parent when unsure
- may have a favorite object
- searches for unseen object (OBJECT PERMANENCE)
SLEEP at 12 months
- 8-11h/night
- 1-2 naps