Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Lose moro reflex?
3-4 months
Lose palmar grasp?
2-3 months
Lose parachute reflex?
6-9 months
Lift head momentarily?
1 month
Head to 45 degrees/head off table?
2 months
Head to 90 degrees/chest off table?
4 months
Complete head lag (pull to sitting)?
No head lag (pull to sitting)?
4 months
Lifts head up in anticipation of being pulled to sitting?
6 months
Roll front to back?
4-5 months
Roll back to front?
5-6 months
Sits with support?
6 months
Sits with no support?
7 months
Involuntary grasp?
Hands to midline?
2 months
Voluntary grasp (no release)?
4-5 months
Raking objects/transfer between hands?
6 months
Uses thumb to grasp cube?
6-8 months
“Mature” cube grasp?
10-12 months
Plays “pat-a-cake”?
9-10 months
Tower of 2 cubes?
13-15 months
15 months
Vertical lines?
18 months
Tower of 4 cubes?
18 months
Uses cup well?
15-18 months
Uses spoon well?
2 years
Large buttons?
3 years
Uses fork?
4 years
Tie shoes?
6 years
Tower of 6 blocks?
24 months
Tower of 8 blocks?
30 months
Pulls to stand?
9 months
11 months
Walks without help?
13 months
Walks well?
15 months
Runs well?
2 years
Up and down stairs, 2 feet each step?
2 years
Up and down stairs, 1 foot each step?
4 years
Jumps off ground with 2 feet up?
2.5 years
Hops on 1 foot?
4 years
5-6 years
Balances on 1 foot 2-3 secs?
3 years
Balances on 1 foot 6-10 secs?
4 years?
Social smile?
1-2 months
Smiles at mirror?
4 months
Separation anxiety?
6-12 months
Waves “bye-bye”
10 months
Shows or offers toy to adult?
11 months
Dresses self?
3 years
Symbolic play?
12 months
Parallel play, empathy?
24 months
Fantasy play?
36 months
Cooperative play?
3-4 years
Can tell fantasy from reality?
5 years
Games with rules?
6 years
2-4 months
4 months
6 months
Mama/dada, non-specific; polysyllabic babbling?
9 months
Mama/dad specific; first word?
9-12 months
Understands 1-step commands?
15 months
Uses >5 words; follows simple commands; can identify 4 body parts?
18 months
Vocabulary of 10-50 words?
13-18 months
2 word sentences?
18-24 months
100-200 words; speech 50% understood; uses personal pronouns; identifies 6 body parts?
24 months
Understands prepositions?
30 months
Speaks 3-4 word sentences; knows hundreds of words; speech is 75% understood; can use plurals; can identify 2 colors; what/who questions?
3 years
Speech 100% understood; speaks in paragraphs; uses past/present tense; identifies gender; identifies 5-6 colors; uses “why” questions?
4 years
Operational thinking?
6 years
Draw a circle?
3 years
Draw a cross?
4 years
Draw a square?
5 years
Draw a triangle?
6 years
Draw a diamond?
7 years
When is failure to use single words concerning?
24 months
When is failure to sit or lack of babling concerning?
9 months
How old can stuttering be normal?
3-4 years