Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What is the latest age that a child should be walking independently?
at 18 months
what are some key questions you should ask to assess a child’s development in terms of the social domain?
Can they wave bye-bye, recognise parents?
What do they enjoy doing?
Do they undertake any imaginative play?
How do they interact with friends, siblings?
How do they approach/deal with strangers?
Are they toilet trained?
Any obsessional/repetitive behaviours?
Parallel play or social play with others?
what typical milestones are there for a 6, 9, 12 month old child in terms of language and communication?
6months- responds to name
9months- can usually say ‘mama’ and ‘papa’
12months- understands simple commands and can say 2-3 words with meaning
tell me the archetypal story for a 18 month old. What milestones would we expect?
Sir Charming Baby: needs to get note to Rapunzel so scribbles note on paper to throw into high 4 block tower, catapult has cup on end, shoves note in with spoon, and throws note at tower, hitting Rapunzel in the face
18 months: Throw, scribble, 4 block tower, 1 step command, uses spoon/cup, points to parts of body
tell me the archetypal story for a 9month old. What milestones would we expect?
Watch Dog Baby: crawls to window, pulls to stand to see out, points at stranger in yard and says “mama” to get attention of parents.
9 months: Crawl, pull to stand, point, specific babbling (mama, dada), stranger anxiety
at what age would we expect a child to be dry by day?
2-3 yrs old
what are the general goals that a baby should achieve by 1 year?
gross motor- walking
language- one word with meaning
fine motor- neat pincer grip
what is an indicator of gross motor delay in a 6 month old?
persistent moro reflex
head lag
at what age would we expect a child to begin running?
24 months
How might we assess whether a 6, 9, 12 month old child has reached their developmental milestone in terms of gross motor function?
6months: Sitting with support
9months: Sitting without support; crawling
12 months: Walking with assistance (1 hand holding onto something); can go from lying to sitting position
tell me the archetypal story for a 4month old. What milestones would we expect?
Fat Happy Baby: baby is rolling and laughing and cooing because he just discovered midline and is reaching for cake that he will cram into his mouth
4 months: lift head 90 degrees/raise up to chest, roll over, find midline, reach for objects, puts objects in mouth, coos (these are vowel sounds), and laughs
why is a preference for a certain hand in a child less than 1 yrs old cause of concern?
may indicate an underlying motor issue or hemiplegia.
preference for handedness develops from 1-2 yrs or later
when should the infant begin to fix and follow with their eyes?
6 weeks
what are some causes of gross motor developmental delay? And what Ix do you order?
central motor deficit= cerebral palsy
myopathy e.g. duchenne’s
spinal problem e.g. spina bifida
part of a wider syndrome
thyroid deficiency
+/- Microarray/chromosomal analysis (if dysmorphic features)
+/- MRI brain
what are the general milestones from birth to 1 yr in terms of gross motor?
2 months- lift head to 45 degrees 4 months- roll over 6 months- sit 9 months- crawl 12 months- begin to walk with assistance
at what age should a child begin to use a spoon to feed themselves safely?
18 months
what are some characteristics of chronic heart failure in an infant?
flushed in the face with feeds
failure to thrive
poor feeding
sweating with feeding
When should a child be able to stack 2 cubes
15 months
what are some key questions you should ask to assess a child’s development in terms of the language domain?
What was their first word, and when was it?
How many words do they know?
Do they indicate their hand preference?
Are they able to follow any instructions?
-Differentiate between one step commands and 2 step commands
Do they know the alphabet?
tell me the archetypal story for a 5 year old. What milestones would we expect?
Oz Baby: ties ruby shoes, skips down Yellow Brick Road back to Kansas
5 years: Skip, Tie shoes, Difference between reality/fantasy
if a child still cannot walk independently by 18 months, what might be the cause?
normal variant delay (especially if child doesn’t crawl but commando creeps/bottom shuffles)
cerebral palsy
primary muscular disorder
global developmental delay
at what age should we expect a child to begin imaginative play?
18 months - 24 months
at what age should a child perform a ‘neat pincer grip’?
10-12 months
When should a child be able to stack 8 cubes?
2 and a half yrs
at 12 months- how many words should a child know/understand?
2-3 words with meaning
When should a child be able to stack 4 cubes
18 months
what is the average birth weight for a newborn?
approx 3.5kg
tell me the archetypal story for a 2month old. What milestones would we expect?
Parent’s Little Baby: looks up to sound, smiles because he sees both his parents, one on either side of midline
2 months: lift head 45 degrees (when laying on face), turns to sound, follows objects past midline, social smile
tell me the archetypal story for a 6month old. What milestones would we expect?
Street-Corner Baby: sitting up on sidewalk, transferring a rake from hand to hand while babbling at people he thinks he recognizes
6 months: sit up with no head lag, raking grasp, transfer objects between hands, babbles (consonants), recognizes familiar faces
at what age should we expect a child to have fluent speech and articulation?
4-5 yrs old
tell me the archetypal story for a 4 year old. What milestones would we expect?
Bedtime Story Baby: really wants story time, so runs up stairs, hops on one foot to undress, so she and mom can read a story together. A Wrinkle in Time.
4 years: Stairs (alternating feet), hop, undresses, 1 foot (4 seconds), 4 word phrases (complete sentences), cooperative play
what are some key questions you should ask to assess a child’s development in terms of the gross motor domain?
When did they start crawling? When did they start walking? Can they walk backwards? When did they start running? Are they able to climb stairs?
When should a child be able to stack 6 cubes
24 months
what are some normal newborn behavioural characteristics?
Wake regularly for feeds Suck strongly on the breast Rousable to normal activity Normal sounding cry Flexed posture with some tone
what is the language capability of a child at 2 yrs?
at least 50 words
simple 3 word phrases
at what age should a child begin to physically point their finger or follow with attention?
12 months. if they can’t, then it indicates developmental delay
tell me the archetypal story for a 12 month old. What milestones would we expect?
Playful Zombie Baby: walking at you, snapping pincers, repeating one word over and over (brrraaaaains), and just wants to play patacake and peekaboo before waving bye bye.
12 months: Walk, pincer grasp, 1 word, patacake, bye bye, peekaboo
tell me the archetypal story for a 3 year old. What milestones would we expect?
James Bond Baby: springs into action . . . jumps into 3-piece suit, stands in front of mirror and says full name, jumps on tricycle. “You.Me. I,” is his pickup line.
3 years: Jump, Tricycle, dresses self (shirt, pants, shoes), full name, “you, me, I”
in what order do we see the 4 domains of development begin to emerge in a growing infant?
gross motor –> fine motor + vision–> hearing + language/speech –> social behaviour
what must you order for a child who first presents with difficulties reaching milestones for language and communication?
audiometry test
tell me the archetypal story for a 15 month old. What milestones would we expect?
Little Sister Baby: wants to be just like big sister, walks confidently to the blocks and imitates making a 2 block tower
15 months: walks well, imitates, controlled release of blocks (can stack 2)
at what age should object permanence be achieved? what does object permanence mean?
object permanence refers to the understanding that objects exist even when they cannot be observed.
object permanence should be achieved by 12 months
what does protoimperative and protodeclarative mean in terms of a child’s development, and when should it occur by?
Proto-imperative- indicates needs and wants with pointing
Proto-declarative- points and shares interest with somebody else
–> should be able to see this by 18 months
tell me the archetypal story for a 2 year old. What milestones would we expect?
Bad Twins: mom gives two commands to twin boys to run to the stairs, then walk up the 25 stairs. Each walks up the 25 stairs not helping the other.
2 years: Run, stairs (1 foot at a time), 20-50 words, 2 step command, parallel play
When should a child be able to imitate a vertical line?
Around 3 yrs
When should a child begin to draw a person in 3 parts?
Around 4 yrs