Developmental Assessment Flashcards
What age would the lack of the following milestone be of concern?

4 months
At what age would a lack of the following developmental milestone be of concern?

18 months
What are red flag signs on developmental assessment?
- Loss of developmental skills
- Hearing loss
- Persistent low muscle tone/ floppiness
- No speech by 18 months - esp if no other communication
- Asymmetric movements/increased muscle tone
- Not walking by 18m/Persistent toe walking
- OFC - > 99.6th / < 0.4th / crossed two centiles/ disproportionate to parental OFC
What is the definition of development?
Gaining functional skills throughout childhood
Typically 0-5 yrs
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Fine motor
What is the following milestone?

Pull to stand

What developmental domain does the following milestone fall under?

Fine motor
What biological risk factors can influence development?
- Prematurity
- Low birth weight
- Birth asphyxia
- Chronic illness
- Hearing/vision impairment
At what age do children begin to feed themselves with cutlery?
12-18 months
What is failure to thrive/faltering growth?
Child growing too slowly in form and usually in function at the expected rate for his or her age
What weight are children by 6 months of age?
Approximately double their birth weight
What is the following milestone?

Stacking 4 or more blocks

What is the following developmental milestone?

Crawling on hands and feet

What age do children start to refer to parents directly (e.g. mama and dada)?
7-10 months

What age does the following developmental milestone commonly occur?

10 months
If you had trialed feeding in hospital for faltering growth, and intake had been poor, what could be the causes (in a general sense…)?
- Organic disease
- Feeding disorder
- Non-organic/mixed
What weight do children normally reach by the age of 12 months?
10 kg
What age does the following developmental milestone commonly occur?

12-18 months
What age do children normally begin to start walking up and down stairs without support?
18 months - 2 years
If you had trialled feeding in hospital in a child with faltering growth, and there was good intake but no weight gain in hospital, what would you suspect the cause would be?
Organic cause e.g. coeliac disease etc.

What is the following milestone?

2 blocks or more stacking

At what age do children start to form sentences?
20-24 months

What developmental domain does the following fall under?

Fine motor
When does the following milestone normally occur?

8-9 months
If you had trialled feeding in hospital in a child with faltering growth, and there was good intake in hospital, what would you then assess to determine the cause?
Weight gain

What is the following developmental milestone?

Rolling (back to belly)
What is the following developmental milestone?

Lifting head and chest

At what age are children normally able to walk up and down stairs, one foot per step at a time?
2.5 - 3 years
At what age should you be concerned that a child has produced no clear words?
18 months
What age would the lack of the following developmental milestone be of concern?

6 months
What developmental milestone is this?

Sitting unsupported

If you had trialled feeding in hospital in a child with faltering growth, and there was good intake and weight gain in hospital, what would you suspect the cause would be?
Non-organic e.g. poor feeding/neglect

What age does this milestone most commonly occur?

6 months
When does this milestone normally occur?

2 months (6-8 weeks)
What are the 3 key measurements of a child under the age of 2 years?
- Weight
- Length
- Head circumference
What age do you take head circumference up to?
2 years
What age would a lack of the following milestone become of concern?

2 years
When does the following milestone normally occur?

10 months
At what age would the lack of this milestone be of concern?

2 months
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Gross motor
What age are children able to follow a set of 3 simple instructions in order, and what developmental domain is this?
3.5-4 years
Speech and Language
What environmental factors influence development?
- Poverty
- Low parental education
- Parental mental illness
- Social isolation
- Maternal alcohol
- Drugs
What developemental milestone is this?

Social smile

What age would a lack of the following milestone be a concern?

12 months
What developmental domain is this?

Gross motor
What are the 5 developmental domains?
- Gross motor
- Fine motor
- Speech and language
- Social
- Self help
What can baby’s start to do once they reach the following milestone?

Walk around whilst holding onto things
At what age would the lack of the following milestone be of concern?

12 months
If you wanted to determine the cause of faltering growth after Hx and Ex, what would you do?
Admit to hospital and trial feeding
- Observe feeding
- Mother handling
- Dietetics review
- Development

What age do children start to develop 1 or 2 words with meaning?
12-18 months
At what age does object permanence begin to occur?
9-12 months
When does the following milestone commonly occur?

6-8 weeks
At what age does the following developmental milestone commonly occur?

4-6 months
What are some of the non-organic causes of faltering growth?
- Poverty/socio-economic status
- Dysfunctional family/parent child interactions
- Lack of parental support
- Lack of preparation for parenting/education
- Child neglect
- Emotional deprivation syndrome
- Poor feeding or feeding skills disorder
What is the following milestone?

Transfer object from one hand to another

What is the following developmental milestone?

Walking unaided

When would the lack of the following milestone become a concern?

12 months
What age does the following milestone most commonly occur?

About 2 years
What is the following developmental milestone?

Pincer gasp

What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Gross motor
What is the following known as?

Bottom shuffling - often runs in families
At what age do you start measuring the childs height rather than their length?
2 years
What age does the following milestone commonly occur?

18 months
What developmental domain is this?

What is object permanence?
Looks for objects when they fall out of sight
What age would the lack of the following milestone be of concern?

18 months
What age do children normally begin to respond to their name?
6-9 months
What are some maternal causes of faltering growth?
- Poor lactation
- Incorrectly prepared feeds
- Unusual milk or other feeds
- Inadequate care
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Fine motor
At what age would the lack of the following developmental milestone be of concern?

9 months
What age do children start babbling?
6-9 months
When examining a child with faltering growth, what would you be looking for signs of?
- Dysmorphic features
- Developmental delay
- Anthropometric discrepancy
What is the average head circumference by 12 months?
45 cm
What factors can influence development?
- Genetics
- Environment
- Early Experience
- Antenatal problems - infections, toxins
- Post natal - infection, toxins, trauma, malnutrition, metabolic, maternal, abuse, under stimulation
What age would a lack of the following milestone be of concern?

9 months
What age does the following milestone commonly occur?

7 months
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Gross motor
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Gross motor
What developmental domain is the following milestone?

Gross motor
What age would a lack of reaching for things become a concern?
6 months
What is casting?
When a child drops an object and watches it fall
What age do children normally reach with a palmar grasp?
6 months
What age does casting normally occur?
12 months
What is the direction of normal development (i.e. is it head to toe or toe to head)?
What are the primitive reflexes?
- Moro
- Grasp
- Rooting
- Stepping response
- Asymmetrical neck response
What is the moro reflex?
Sudden extension of the head causes symmetrical extension, then flexion, of the arms
What is the grasp reflex?
Flexion of fingers when object placed in palm
What is the rooting reflex?
Head turns to stimulus when touched near the mouth and begins sucking (rooting) - helps with breastfeeding
What is the stepping response reflex?
Stepping movements when held vertically and foot dorsum touches surface
What is the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex?
Lying supine, infant adopts an outstretched arm to the side the head is turned

What are the postural reflexes?
- Labyrinthine
- Postural support
- Lateral propping
- Parachute
What is the labyrinthine reflex?
Head moves in opposite direction to the way the body is tilted
What is the postural support reflex?
When held upright, legs take weight and may push/bounce
What is the lateral propping reflex?
In sitting, the arm extends on the side to which the child falls as a saving mechanism
What is the parachute reflex?
When suspended face down, the arms extend as though to save themselves

What age do children develop symbolic play?
18 months
What is symbolic play?
Ability of children to use objects, actions or ideas to represent other objects, actions, or ideas as play.
What age do children begin to scribble?
18 months
What age can children normally draw circles?
3 years
What age can children draw circular scribbles?
24 months
What age can children walk up stairs with alternative feet?
4 years