Developmental area Flashcards
Bandura - Chaney - Kohlberg - lee
What is the Background to Bandura?
Previous research has shown that children will readily imitate behaviour demonstrated by an adult model.
What was the research method for Bandura?
Laboratory experiment which uses an independant measures design.
What were the IVs in Bandura?
- aggressive or non-aggressive model
- sex of model
- sex of the child
What was the DV in Bandura?
the amount of imitative behaviour and aggression shown by the child in phase 3
What was the sample for Bandura?
72 children (36 boys and girls) from Stanford University Nursery school
What did phase 1 in Bandura consist of?
children were individually took into their own room and started playing with potatoes prints for 10 mins. after a minute the model turned to the bobo doll and spent the rest of the type verbally and physically abusing it.
What did phase 2 in Bandura consist of?
All children were subject to mild aggression arousal. Initially allowed to play with attractive toys but they got the toys took off them.
What did phase 3 of Bandura consist of?
Children took into a room that has aggressive and non-aggressive toys. Observed for 20 minutes.
What was the key findings from Bandura?
Children in the aggressive condition showed more imitation of physical and verbal aggressive behaviour.
What was a possible conclusion from Bandura?
- children will imitate aggressive behavior imitated by a model, even if they’re not present.
- boys tend to me more aggressive than boys
What was the research method for Chaney?
Field experiment conducted in the participants home setting in Australia.
What were the IVs in Chaney?
- Weather the child used a standard spacer divider
weather the child used a funhaler.
What was the DV in Chaney?
The amount of adherence to the prescribed medical regime.
What was the sample in Chaney?
32 children, 22 male, 10 female. parents provided informed consent and participated in the study by filling in questionnaire’s.
What was the key findings of Chaney?
The use of the funhaler was associated with improved parental and child compliance.
What was a possible conclusion from Chaney?
Had improved adherence and may be useful for management of young asthmatics
What was the research method for Kholberg?
Longitudinal study which follows the development of the same group of boys for 12 years
What is the sample for Kholberg?
75 American boys who were aged 10-16. they were followed in 3 year intervals through to the ages of 22-28
What was the procedure for American boys in Kholberg?
presented with hypothetical moral dilemas in the form of short stories. This involved the value of human life questions.
What were the key findings from kholberg?
Participants always passed through the stages one at a time and always in the same order
What was a possible conclusion from kohlberg?
middle class and working class children move through the same sequence but middle class children move faster and further.
What is a theory for Lee?
childrens moral judgements rely on lying or truth telling and if a lie is punished or not.
What was the research method for Lee?
Laboratory experiment that uses independant measures designs.
What were the ivs in Lee?
weather they heard the social story or physical story
What were the DV in Lee?
The rating given to the story characters deed and the rating given to what the character said.
What was the 2 samples from Lee?
- 120 chinese children, 40 7 yr olds, 40 9yr olds, 40 11 yr olds- equally split into 20 m 20 f
- 108 canadian children, 36 7yr olds (20m 16f ), 40 9yr olds (24m 16f) 32 11yr olds (14m, 18f)
what was the procedure for Lee?
Chinese- half participated in social story other half in physical story
Canadian- randomly assigned to each story
what were the key findings in Lee?
Children of both cultures rated the prosocial behviours similarly.
What was a Possible conclusion for Lee?
Cultures have similar moral judgements.