developmental Flashcards
R.C Tryon’s study
maze dull and maze bright rats ; evidence that learning ability had a genetic basis
klinefelters syndrome
males, xxy chromosome = sterile and intellectual disability
turners syndrome
females, one X chromosome, failure to develop secondary sex characteristics
inability to digest phenyl aline
prenatal developmental stages
zygote, germinal, embryonic, fetal
rooting reflex
infants turn heads in direction of stimuli applied to cheek
fling out arms and extend fingers , then hug self
interpreting new info into existing schemata
modifying existing schema to adapt to new info
birth to age 2; primary and secondary circular reactions, object permanence - marks beginning of representational thought
pre operational stage
2-7 years
centration, egocentism
unable to master conservation
tendency to be able to focus on only one aspect of a phenomena, can’t understand relationships are reciprocal
concrete operational
age 7-11, masters conservation
formal operations
hypothesis and deductions
4 basic components of language
phonology, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics
freud stages
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
age 0-1, libido energy centered on mouth
fixation can lead to excessive dependency
age 1-3 toilet training
fixation can lead to excessive orderliness or messiness
oedipal stage; age 3-5.
thomas and chess
easy , slow to warm up, difficult
seperation anxiety
occurs 9-12 months
moral development
pre conventional
conventional phase
post conventional phase
when right and wrong are based on punishment or reward
- punishment/obediance
- orientation towards reciprocity (scratch your back i scratch mine)
based on social rules
good girl, nice boy
law and order
post conventional
social contract - moral rules best, for the greater good
universal ethical principles
gender labeling
2-3 years old; children realize and label themselves as boy or girl
gender stability
3-4 years old; predict they will be a boy or girl when they grow up
gender consistency
age 4-7; understand permanency of gender
diana baumrind
authoritarian, authoritative, permissive
best type of parenting
class inclusion
ability to classify objects as belonging to one or more categories at the same time; concrete stage
nervous system, skin, brain
bones, muscles, heart, circulatory, and internal sex organs
inner lining of some systems, liver, pancreas
Theory of mind
age 4; ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc.—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions, and perspectives that are different from one’s own.