Developmental Flashcards
Gamete Formation
gametes => mature haploid male or female germ cell
What is an egg?
- Egg
An organic vessel where an embryo develops (colloquial terminology)
An ovum - Ovum
The female reproductive or germ cell - Eggs vary significantly among taxa
- Human egg is approx. 100 microns
Width of a human hair
Huge - Eggs has components of a normal somatic cell
- Eggs also have yolk (provides energy during development)
- Eggs have a polarity
Animal pole has most of the cytoplasm (and the nucleus)
Vegetal pole has most of the yolk
- Very little yolk, evenly distributed through egg
- Typical of placental mammals (also echinoderms, tunicates, cephalochordates, molluscs)
- Moderate amount of yolk concentrated at vegetal pole
- Typical of amphibians
- Abundance of yolk densely concentrated at vegetal pole
- Typical of birds, reptiles, fish, monotremes, some amphibians
- Large centrally located mass of yolk
- Typical of arthropods
Amount of yolk is associated with developmental patterns
- Lots of yolk (telolecithal eggs), young exhibit direct development
Goes straight from embryo to miniature adult - Little yolk (isolecithal, mesolecithal eggs) young exhibit indirect development
Passes through larval stage capable of feeding itself
Undergoes metamorphosis to reach adult stage
Exception: mammals (direct development)
What is fertilization
- Fertilization => gametes unite to form a zygote
- Zygote => a diploid cell resulting from fusion of male and female gametes (i.e. a fertilized egg)
What is cleavage?
- embryo divided repeatedly without growth (essentially skips G-phase of mitosis)
- single large egg cell becomes many smaller cells called blastomeres
- by the end of cleavage, the zygote is called blastula
- cleavage subdivides the zygote to form a blastula
- in most animals the cells are formed around a fluid-filled cavity called a blastocoel
- All multicellular animals go through blastulation. Most continue to gastrulation
What is a blastula?
a fluid filled ball of cells
Amount of yolk is associated with cleavage patterns
- cell division occurs more easily in cytoplasm than yolk
- two types of cleavage
What is holoblastic?
complete and approximately equal divisions of cells
What is meroblastic?
restricted to a small area of egg
What are the directions of cleavage?
Spiral cleavage
Radial cleavage
What is gastrulation?
- converts the spherical blastula into two or three layered embryo
- the layers are called germ layers
The blastula has 1 germ layer
The gastrula has 2 or 3
Gastrulation (1)
- one side of the blastula bends inwards in a process called invagination
- the internal pouch that is formed is the gut cavity (also called archenteron or gastrocoel)
- the opening to the gut cavity is called the blastopore
Gastrulation (2)
- outer layer of cells (lining blastocoel) = ectoderm
- inner layer of cells (lining gut) = endoderm
- when the gut opens only at the blastopore it is called a blind gut
Gastrulation (3)
- most animals have a complete gut with a second opening, the anus
- the blastopore becomes the mouth in some organisms and the anus in others
- this difference differentiates Protostomes and Deuterostomes
Gastrulation (4)
- in many animals, a third layer forms = mesoderm
- the mesoderm is formed from the endoderm
- coelom = cavity completely surrounded by mesoderm
How many layers?
- some animals stop at the blastula stage
One germ layer - some animals develop two germ layers
diploblastic - most animals develop three germ layers
What is Organogenesis?
- organs develop from specific germ layers
- first event in organogenesis is formation of the nervous system
Formed from the ectoderm - heart is the first functional organ
Formed from the mesoderm
Starts beating on day 2 of development in the chick embryo
What is growth?
- final phase
- longest phase in animal development
Categorizing Metazoans
1) Number of germ layers (diploblastic, triploblastic)
2) Presence and formation of coelom
3) Cleavage pattern
4) Body symmetry
5) Mechanism of development