Development of the Genital System Flashcards
What is the urogenital system composed of?
Intermediate mesoderm
Coelomic epithelium
Allantois/yolk sac endoderm
what does the intermediate mesoderm give rise to?
Nephrogenic cord –> kidney
Urogenital ridge mesenchyme (located right by the nephrogenic cord)
wha is the coelomic epithelium?
what kind of dermal structure is this?
what does it give rise to?
it is the cells lining the urogenital ridge (hence why its called somatic support cells)
somatic layer of the lateral plate mesoderm
primary sex cords (gonadal) –> gives rise to the testes and ovary
Allantois/yolk sac:
what kind of dermal structure is this?
what resides here and where do those come from?
region where the germ cells reside.
the germ cells are coming from the epiblast
mesonephric duct does what?
what is it also called?
gives rise to male internal genitalia.
wolffian duct
gives rise to female internal genitalia
primordial germ cells:
1) where are they coming from?
2) what are the support cells for each gender that help nurture an environment?
3) where are these support cells coming from?
4) what cells for each gender are producing steroids or the precursors to those steroids?
5) where are these coming from?
coming from the epiblast
they need support from other cells
Male = Sertoli cells –> Coelomic epithelium
Female = Follicle cells –> coelomic epithelium
Male = Interstitial (leydig) cells –> Intermediate Mesoderm
Female = Thecal Cells –> Intermediate Mesoderm
formation of egg and sperm
arise from the epiblast during 2nd week
migrate through the primitive streak (week 3), then reside out in the allantois and yolk sac.
at week 5, they determine it’s safe and they migrate via dorsal mesentery
by week 6 they colonize the urogenital ridge
why are we putting our germ cells out in the yolk sac in week 3?
in week 4, everything is happening so they’re not encountering molecular signals so they’re not inducing the formation of stuff if we tuck them away in the yolk sac
in week 5, they determine it is safe and they leave that area.
how many at each stage?
start to form our ovaries in our females.. the number of oogonia go through mitosis to increase
by the 5th prenatal month (in utero), there are 6 million egg cells that have been produced.
by birth, we are down to 1 million and they go through atresia.
the egg cells continue to go through this and by puberty they have about 40,000 eggs left.
in total, only about 400 eggs will be released
Ovulation, what type of duplication is happening?
what about when fertilized?
Meiosis 1 occurs
once the egg is fertilized, then meiosis 2 is occurring
why is it that women that are 35-40 have a higher chance of having a baby with developmental problems?
400-450 will be ovulated throughout their whole lifetime, but they are in a constant state of suspension.. so that’s why they say you have a better likelihood of avoiding chromosomal abnormalities if you’re a younger mother.
35-40, then you can get more chromosomal abnormalities because the eggs have been sitting around for 40 years.
How does sex determination happen?
what are secondary events?
the central event is going to be differentiation of the testes.. which is a genetic event
XY = male, XX = female.
Secondary events are the production of humoral factors by gonads.. which give you your phenotype
so XY and produce testosterone, you phenotypically will look like a man.
XX and do not have testosterone, so you will have a phenotype of a female.
what specifically is on the Y chromosome?
what does it code for?
How do we know what this does and what happens for both male and female?
Sex Determining Region Y Human Gene (SRY)
this gene turns on different genetic pathways. it codes for DNA binding proteins called testis-determining factor (TDF).. this will bind to the DNA and turn on stuff
we’ve done mouse studies..
if we take a genotype male (XY) mouse, and we delete the SRY gene… this mouse is female. looks female, acts female, but is STERILE
if we take a transgenic mouse of XX and we splice in the SRY portion, those mice look male, normal leydig cells, Sertoli cells, sexual behavior, no hermaphroditism.. they are STERILE
so if SRY is present, what kind of genotype do we have?
what does the intermediate mesoderm do then because we have this presence?
this causes the intermediate mesoderm to give rise to the Leydig cells..
these leydig cells produce testosterone, and this testosterone causes the mesonephric ducts to persist!
those remodel and you get INTERNAL MALE GENITALIA
because we have testosterone… we have DHT (dihydrotestosterone), and under that influence we have male EXTERNAL genitalia.
if the SRY gene is present, what does the coelomic epithelium do?
forms Sertoli cells
Sertoli cells produce AMH (anti-mullerian hormone)
AMH is going to cause paramesonephric ducts to degenerate (which would have given rise to internal female genitalia)
What happens if SRY is absent?
what genotype is it?
what does the intermediate mesoderm do because of this?
IM forms Thecal cells
thecae cells do NOT produce testosterone, so if no testosterone, the mesonephric ducts are going to degenerate.. so no male genitalia..
no DHT, so we get female external genitalia.
What happens if SRY is absent to the coelomic epithelium.
CE will form follicular cells
they do NOT produce AMH, which causes paramesonephric ducts to stay, creating INTERNAL female genitalia
Ovotesticular DSD (true Gonadal Intersex)?
the gonads themselves (testes or ovaries) have components of both.
the cause of how this happens is not understood well.
these individuals have both testicular and ovarian tissue and “ovotestis” which is the same meaning
the phenotype may be male or female, but the external genitalia may be ambiguous
46, XX DSD, what happens?
what happens physically? (4 )
what is it caused by usually?
genotypical a female, but the female has been exposed to excessive androgens during development..
your ovaries are present, but external genitalia is masculinized
you get clitoral hypertrophy so it looks like a small penis
partial fusion of labia majora to look like a scrotum
persistent urogenital sinus.
most commonly from Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
** deficiency in 21-hydroxylase, so excess androgens.. so you’re going to get EXTERNAL male genitalia, and varying parts of how masculinize the genitalia look.