development of speech perception Flashcards
Basic views of empiricm vs nativism
Empiricism (skinner 57)– verbal behaviour is learnt from conditioning and learning, correcting and reinforcing
Nativism (Chomsky 57)- innate abilities to process speech, blue print to map language to; behaviour models dont work because of poverty of stimulus problems
What implies perception starts in-utero?
sound travels through amniotic fluid; especially prosodic features. babies prefer mother’s voice pitch, mother’s voice preferred 1 day after birth, distinguish native vs non-native intonation (not phonemes) straight after birth, and recognise stories read to them in womb
what methods can be used to test in utero
auditory systems develop by 6 months gestation. Doppler ultrasound: measure heart rate after habituation to a novel sound
What do studies show babies are able to do during gestation?
sound discrimination (36-40 weeks)
discrimination /i/ and /a/ (zimmer 93)
reverse syllables, gender voice, piano notes (lecanker 87, 93, 00)
Kiselevsky 10
in utero, through habituation, infants show neural networks sensitive to properties of mother’s voice, language and music formation.
What behavioural measurement techniques can be used after birth?
Elicit a definite action in response to a sound or change
- non-nutritive sucking
- conditioned head turn
- preferential looking
non-nutritive sucking
sucking makes a sound which get bored and reduce sucking (habituation), when change perceived sucking rate increases
conditioned head turn
6-11m babies; conditioned to turn head and look towards a look of toy in response to hear a different sound
- measure discrimination sounds
- two- choice procedures (for identification)
preferential looking
look in a certain direction of preference of a number of different displays– measure total looking time.
what imaging measurement techniques can be used after birth?
ERP (oddball paradigm, MMN, P300) fMRI
Event related potentials
record electronic signals from skull cap; EEG waves have a good temporal resolution
- different signals indicate different things (N400); and relate to timed event (eg if late then late stage of processing)
- problems with blinking.
what is the ‘Oddball paradigm’
low probability target items intermixed with high probability non-target items
MMN and P300
Mismatched negativity response: neurologically discriminate between 2 sounds
p300 reflects stimulus evaluation or categorisation
detects differences in blood flow activation – good spatial resolution, but issues from noisy machine and keeping head still
Elmas 71 (innateness)
high sensitivity to phonemic distinctions and low-sensitivity to within category distinctions
at 1 + 4m able to hear cross category differences but not within category–
natavist account ‘speech mode of perception’
Kuhl and Meltzoff 82
AV correspondance– preferential looking at 4.5m: preferred face and articulation congruency; so babies learn congruence quickly
Werker and tees 84
By 6months babies are attuned to native phoneme categories and lose the ability to discriminate
Two types of studying development?
cross sectional (measure different age children at the same time- cohort effects) or longitudinal (measure same children at different times- no cohort effects)
Partanen et al 2013
exposed to sounds in utero, and showed enhanced brain activity (MMR) in response to pitch change; sig cor. between amount of prenatal exposure and activity; elarning effect generalised to other sounds not in training material– neural commitment tuned to speech features and memory representations