Development Control Flashcards
Why have development control?
To balance private developers interest against public interest
To provide certainty about development in an area
To ensure important things are protected or promoted in the environment
Define development
The carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land and,
The making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land
Exclusions from definition or development?
Alterations that do not materially affect the external appearance of a building
Improvement works on a road by a Local highway authority
Repair of underground sewers, pipes, cables etc
A change of buildings within the same use category
Permitted development
House extensions (size restrictions) Street furniture Certain changes between classes
Case study for town centre redevelopment?
Weymouth town centre redevelopment
Negotiation and submission of Weymouth redevelopment?
Pre-application negotiations between developer and LA planners started months before application submitted
Submission of planning application done by consultants
Full planning application
Application validated and on register
Publicising and consulting of Weymouth?
Application publicised through an advert and on site notice + online
5 responses- from Weymouth civic society
Notify relevant bodies
English heritage objected
On going negotiation between officers and developers consultants
Recommending and deciding Weymouth
Planning officer reports to planning committee
Planning committee grant with 26 conditions
What decisions can planning committees make?
Grant permission
Grant permission with conditions
Refuse permission
How long do biblically have to respond to a publicised application?
21 days
Appeal process?
Applicant can appeal to Secretary of State- in most case decided by independent planning inspector by:
Written representations
Informal hearing
Public enquiry
Other material considerations?
Appearance Traffic issues Environmental issues and impact on landscape Impact on small businesses Viability
Weymouth considerations?
Preservations of historic buildings- demolishing walls in a listed building
Design- lacklustre
Traffic impact not considered significant
Economic impact- most significant
Section 106?
Provision of on site roads, water supply and affordable housing
Provision of community facility’s
Why should speed be prioritised over quality?
Delays harm business, interference in the markets