Development across the lifespan Flashcards
2 month physical milestone
lift shoulders while prone
4 month physical milestone
rolls front to back- can hold head up
6 month physical milestone
sits alone
9 month physical milestone
pulls to stand, can get in sitting position
birth-4 month cognitive abilities
primary circular reactions: thumb sucking and imitating others
4-10 month cognitive milestones
secondary circular reactions: repeats actions involving objects that please them
5-10 month communication milestones
1 year communication milestone
say 2 words other than mama and dada
understands simple commands
when does attachment begin
within hours of birth
12 month gross motor
walks, stoops, stands
15 month gross motor
walks backwards
18 month gross motor
runs, kicks ball
2 year gross motor
walks up and down stairs
3 year gross motor
steps with alternating feet
broad jump
toddler sleep expectation
11-14 hours/day with 1-2 daytime naps
toddler feeding expectation
self feeding finger foods, then utensils
toddler toilet training
18-30 months
toddler cognitive expectations
recognize self in mirror
high risk for injury
2 year language skills
300+ word vocabulary and 2-3 word sentences
when are temper tantrums common
18 months-3 years
sense of fears and empathy begins when
age 3
when does the gender identity emerge
18-36 months
3 year gross motor skills
stand on one foot, jump, run, limb stairs with alternating feet, hand preference
4 year gross motor skills
ride tricycle, climb on jungle gym, throw ball overhead
5 year gross motor skills
better balance, able to skip
3 year fine motor
builds blocks in tower and copy a circle
4 year fine motor
button, lace, feed themself, pour from pitcher
5 year fine motor skills
copy square, triangle and draw a recognizable man
3 year speech and language
ask questions for the sake of talking
4 year speech and language
speaks somewhat immature but intelligable
5 years speech and language
clear articulation, answers questions and sentences
when are children aware of sex differences
3 years
3 year old social
play alone in parallel with children for long periods of time
4 year social
engage in cooperative or small group play, share, bossy
5 year social
plan and carryout group projects, dramative play, empathy and leadership
when does eye and foot dominance emerge
6-12 years
when is the pubertal growth spurt in girls?
when is the pubertal growth spurt in boys?
what is early adolescence
what is middle adolescence
what is late adolescence
when do intellectual and creative skills peak
early adulthood
middle adulthood is what
self image in middle adulthood
difficult when society values the youth
physiological changes in middle adulthood
metabolic needs decrease
thinning, grey hair
presbyopia, presbycusis
hormonal changes in middle adulthood
loss of estrogen and testostrone
cognition of middle adulthood
post-formal thought: more accepting
late adulthood is when
old age is when
oldest old
skin changes in late adulthood/old age
wrinkles, discoloration, dryness, loose skin
why does the immune system decrease with age
lower production of lymphocytes
digestive changes in old age
chronic constipation is not age related
genitourinary changes in old age
prostate hypertrophy
atrophic vaginitis
neurologic changes in old age
neurofibrillary tangles: normal vs AD
hearing changes in old age
otosclerosis: equilibrium problems
top 5 things that lead to death
bipolar disorder seen in old age
more depression and less mania
memory changes in old age
vocab improves
episodic memory is affected- not long term