Development* Flashcards
How can a country develop?
-Borrow money from other countries
-Tax informal businesses to make them formal (employment law)
-Charitable donations
-Free Education
-Multi-national companies=improve industry/wages
-Pay employees more for wages
How is development measured?
-How wealthy a country is
-Indicators of development
What is a census? How does it help governments collect population data?
Every 10 years a census is put out to record how many people are living in a country at a time.
-age,ethnicity,religion,population,wages taxes
Why do governments collect population data?
-Plan health/education services
-Housing needs
-How large the workforce will be
How can governments keep their populations healthy?
-Free school meals
-Pay council tax for water
-Donate to food banks
-Free Healthcare (vaccinations)
-Education (teach kids about health)
-Invest in proper sanitation and clean water
What are indicators of development in a country?
-Education level
-Death Rate
-Infant mortality rate
-The population of a country divided by the number of doctors in that country
-General fertility rate
-Calories per person
-Birth rate
How can death rate show us how developed a country is?
-types of jobs
How can education level show us how developed a country is?
-teachers needed
-unable to get good education
How can birth rate show us how developed a country is?
-how many people are being born
-teachers +doctors are needed
-how many services are required
-how large the workforce will be
How can tax help a country develop?
-pay for schools/healthcare/transport/
-workforce is healthy and well educated it thrives
-country develops
What is the best graph for temperature and then rainfall?
temperature- line
rainfall- bar