Development 1-6 years Flashcards
At what age does hand dominance normally present?
5 years of age
at the time that fine motor skills are pronounced
What might early hand dominance suggest?
May indicate contralateral weakness with hemiparesis
Look for asymmetries: like head or extremities out of midline, gaze preference
What strategies may help during PT examination of a child showing stranger anxiety or separation anxiety?
Distraction, parent involvement in exam initially,
age appropriateness of intervention, special toy or comfort item
What person-task-environment factors can influence timing of learning & mastering stair climbing?
opportunities to practice stair textile material child height personality vision/ depth perception birth order (younger sibling may make great motor gains to catch up to older)
What are some examples of activities to recommend at home for a 14 month old with low tone who is not yet walking?
“Assistive device” little push walker with wheels
Bouncy thing for the doorway
Increase weight bearing with support
Assisted/supported walking
Home setup (ideal setup to promote cruising)
Increase motivating factors (don’t bring them things)
At what age/ which developmental skill makes choking a hazard?
~12 months
ability to use pincer grasp
Describe key aspects of social/cognitive development at 13-18 mos:
uses expressive jargon talks rather than gestures receptive language greater than expressive shakes head “no” uses 15 meaningful words Complete 3 piece puzzles
At what age do children experience peak of separation distress?
13-18 mos
Play tends to be parallel in this age:
Begins to be interactive with peers by this age:
Social play with peers by this age:
12 mos
13-18 mos
24 mos
Describe some fine motor abilities at 18 mos:
Uses one hand to hold objects and other to manipulate
Draws on paper in vertical direction
Grasps writing utensil with thumb and finger towards paper
Removes shoes independently with no laces or untied laces
Describe some fine motor abilities at 24 mos:
Draws in horizontal direction Begin use of small scissors Holds writing utensil with thumb and finger Holds spoon in finger with palm up Washes hands independently
At what age should parents be mindful of children begin able to independently open doors?
21 mos
What age: begins to engage in indoor and outdoor activities that require large muscle groups
18 mos
At ___ mos, toddlers generally produce well-organized postural responses to perturbations.
At ___ mos, starts to play in the squat position.
By __ mod, should be able to jump up ~2 inches with both feet.
Describe the advances in gait reached by 2 years:
Gradual smoothing of walking pattern
increased step length (28 cm avg)
Reciprocal arm swing (absence by 2 years may indicate pathology)
Heel strike (absence by 2 years may indicate pathology)
BOS within trunk width
Minimal ER
Vertical lift (see child begin to bounce more)
Longer stance time (34% of gait cycle)
knee flexion after foot strike and extension before toe off
When might you expect short sentences with 2-4 words?
~24 mos
When might you expect short a child to be able to point to objects in a picture when named?
~24 mos
The height and head circumference nearly double while weight more than quadruples between birth and age __.
24 mos
When should you suggest a parent to start teaching their child to ride a tricycle?
24-36 mos
Major gross motor milestones for 3 y/o:
Demonstrate true run w/ both feet leaving ground
Walk up stairs alternating feet
Walk downstairs marking time
Jump off step and over 2” object
Major gross motor milestones for 4 y/o:
Hops and stands on one foot up to 2” Catches a bounced ball most of the time Jumps in place Goes upstairs and downstairs without support Kicks ball forward Moves forward and backward with agility
Major gross motor milestones for 2 y/o:
Stands on tiptoe
Kicks a ball
Begins to run
Climbs onto and down from furniture without help
Walks up and down stairs holding on to support
Throws ball overhand
Walks steadily
By 24-36 mths: jump off low step; begins to ride tricycle
__ mos: Walk up stairs, alternating feet
__ mos: Walk down stairs, alternating feet
30-36 mos
36-42 mos
After 3yoa, postural control continues to develop to adult-like state with _____ system developing.
prior to this age, visual input is preferentially relied on for orientation corrections
Describe body on body righting reaction and age of integration:
Child is placed supine. Passively rotate either upper or lower spine. The other segment will follow to maintain alignment.
(Onset = 4-6mo)
Integrated by 5yrs
At what age can you expect a child to be ind in self-feeding?
3 yoa
can’t use knife yet
Describe some examples of fine motor abilities of a 4 yo:
More sophistaced fine motor play
like pasting, coloring, drawing
Isolation of thumb and fingers and rotation of the wrist
3 ½ to 4 year olds hold pencil with static tripod
4 year old Preschooler will advance to dynamic tripod grasp
Upper extremity proximal stability improves
At what age does a child master object permanence?
At what age does a child master sorting objects by color?
At what age does a child know gender identity?
At what age does a child begin to demonstrate sharing of toys and taking turns?
Alert the doc if by age 2, child cannot to the following:
Cannot walk by eighteen months
Fails to develop a mature heel-toe walking pattern after several months of walking, or walks exclusively on his toes
Does not speak at least fifteen words by eighteen months
Does not use two-word sentences by age two
Does not seem to know the function of common household objects (brush, telephone, bell, fork, spoon) by fifteen months
Does not imitate actions or words by the end of this period
Does not follow simple instructions by age two
Cannot push a wheeled toy by age two
Alert the doc if by age 4, child cannot to the following:
Cannot throw a ball overhand
Cannot jump in place
Cannot ride a tricycle
Cannot grasp a crayon between thumb and fingers
Has difficulty scribbling
Cannot stack four blocks
Still clings or cries whenever his parents leave him
Shows no interest in interactive games
Ignores other children
Doesn’t respond to people outside the family
Doesn’t engage in fantasy play
Resists dressing, sleeping, using the toilet
Lashes out without any self-control when angry or upset
Cannot copy a circle
Doesn’t use sentences of more than three words
Doesn’t use “me” and “you” appropriately
At what age might you expect a child to start catching a ball?
At what age might you expect a child to gallop smoothly and evenly?
At what age might you expect to see dynamic tripod grasp of pencil?
At what age can a child use a zipper or tie shoes ind?
At what age can strangers understand the words a child says?
At this age, a child can count to 20:
At this age, child can give full name, age, address and often birthday:
Describe key cognitive development for a 6yo:
Begins to demonstrate concrete operational thinking
Begins to think in a more co-coordinated way and can hold more than one point of view at a time
Begins to demonstrate concepts of quantity such as distance, area, time, weight, and length
Begins to be interested in basic scientific principles and its concepts