Development 0-12 mos Flashcards
Landau postural reflex should develop by ____ mos.
4-6 mos
Describe Landau
Infant is held horizontally in the examiner’s hand in the prone position, their head should extend with a straight trunk and legs extended. The examiner pushes the infant’s head into flexion and their legs should also drop into flexion. When the head is released, the infant should return to the extended head and extended legs.
Describe propping/protective extension reflex:
Anterior propping actually develops first, then lateral propping, then posterior (~9 months). For anterior propping the baby will extend the arms forward to catch himself and prevent falling forward. Lateral propping occurs when the baby is falling to one side or the other and he extends the arm laterally to catch himself.
Asymmetric lateral propping can be an early sign of ______.
The baby will prop on one side but on the paretic side he will not extend the arm to catch himself.
By 10 mos, key abilities include:
transitions (like volitional rolling, creeping, pulling up to standing with furniture, cruising) controlled mobility (like reaching out of BOS in sitting)
Define and describe the timeframe of equilibrium reaction development:
Total body responds to slow shift in COG outside BOS
First occurs in prone at 6 months
Supine and sitting: 7-8 months
Quadruped: 9-12 months
Occurs in standing later (12-21 months)
Define and describe the timeframe of protective reaction development:
Total body response including protective extension of UEs (4-7 months) and LEs (6-9 months)
With equilibrium reactions, the trunk shifts by:
the extremities shift by:
trunk: by curving toward force
extremities: extend and abduct toward force
All primitive reflexes are integrated by __ mos.
9 mos
When does landau normally integrate?
12-24 mos
Describe the symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR):
Start position: prone or quadruped
With head flexion - UE flexion and LE extension
With head extension - UE extension and LE flexion
When does STNR present?
between 4-12 mod
What does sitting position look like at 0-4 mos?
sits with support
back rounded in primary C-curve
When does a baby begin to support its own head position?
3-4 mos
By 4 mos, social and emotional development includes;
Focus on attachment/bonding Begin to socially smile Begins playing with people More expressive with face and body Begins imitating movements and expressions Prefers sweet smells
Describe vision during the first 3 mos:
Eyes wonder and occasionally cross
Large Shapes and Faces
Bright Colors
Recognizes people
When should a baby have conjugate gaze and differentiate colors by?
4 mos
Babbling, cooing, chuckling are expected at:
2-3 mos
What type of play predominates at 0-4 months?
exploratory - sensorimotor play
Flags for atypical development by 4 mos:
- feeding problems: “Sucks” poorly or feeds slowly
- lack of leg movement
- “stuck” head, neck, trunk
- inability to alternate b/w flex <> ext of extremities
- consistent asymmetrical postures
- inability to achieve midline orientation of head and extremities
- lack of reaching behaviors or unilateral movement
- quiet, unresponsive baby
At what age can a child roll in both directions?
At what age can a child roll with ind LE movement?
4-5 mos
5-7 mos
At what age does a child begin to sit without support?
4-5 mos
Describe moro reflex:
Stimulus: Head drop backward Response: Abduction and extension of arms, splaying of fingers, may be followed by arm flexion and adduction
At what age does moro integrate?
3-5 mos
Describe ATNR, asymmetrical tonic neck reflex:
Stimulus: Child turns head
Response: Ipsilateral arm extends and abducts, occipital arm flexes and abducts
At what age does ATNR integrate?
4-5 mos
At what age does suck-swallow reflex integrate?
5 mos
At what age does palmar grasp reflex integrate?
4-7 mos
Describe suck-swallow reflex:
Stimulus: touch to lips and inside mouth
Response: Rhythmic excursions of jaw; tongue rides up and down with jaw; and then swallow
Describe body on body righting rxn:
Body orients with respect to the ground, regardless of the head position. If the baby is in supine and the upper or lower extremity is crossed across the body with the trunk rotation, the remaining segments will follow and the baby will roll
Describe neck on body righting rxn:
Body orients to align with neck position when there is a change in the position of the head or neck
Describe the positive support reflex:
When the infant is held upright with feet touching a mat, the infant will extend his legs in an attempt to reach the mat and balance on it.
What is the first postural reflex to develop and at what age is it present?
positive support reflex
Present by 3-4 months
What age will a baby laugh?
4 mos
When does a child begin to demonstrate imitation?
6 mos
Describe crawling progression and associated age:
7-10 mos
Crawls forward on belly
Can assume quadruped position
Reciprocal creep