Deutrostomes Flashcards
What phyle have adults that are radially symmetric, and larvae that are bilaterally symetric?
What group of Vertebrate has the most species?
Ray-finned fishes
Asteroidea are?
Sea Stars and Echinodermata
Tunicates are?
Lobe-fin fishes are a subgroup of what?
ray-finned fishes
Lobe-fin fishes include what species?
Coelancanth and Lungfish
The platypuse lays eggs what does it make it?
a monotreme
Reptiia include what?
Turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and birds
What features define chordata?
A notochord, dorsal hollow nerve chord, a muscular post-anal tail, and pharyngeal gill slits.
Which deutrostome phyla contains a vater vascular system?
A lancelet is?
a cephalochordate
Echinoderms are under?
The diversification of Echinoderms were triggered by what?
poda appendages
The diversification of Vertebrates were triggered by what?
jaws and limbs
invertebrates Deuterostomes include what?
echinoderms, hemichordates, chordates, and xenoturbellids
vertebrate Deuterostomes include what?
just chordates
Echinoderms have what body plans?
Spiny skin, have a water vascular system
What is a water vascular system?
Uses water to move bodies and have tube feet called poda
Chordates have what body plans?
Pharyngilal gill slits (openings to throat), notochord, dorsal hollow nerve chord, and a muscular post anal tail
Urochordates have an alternate name what is it >.<?
Cephalochordates have an alternate name what is it 0.0?
lanceletes, they look like fish but aren’t fish
Vertebrates have evo history 440 MYA what happened?
bone formation
Vertebrates have evo history 400 MYA what happened?
first bony fish with jaws
Vertebrate evo history 365 MYA what happened?
animals with limbs or tetrapods
Vertebrate evo history 345 MYA what happened?
first animals with water tight animotic eggs
What evolutionary advantages did tetrapods give?
animotic eggs, a placenta, and elaboration of parental care
Parental care is good because?
it improves the ability of offspring to survive
Asteroidia is what?
sea stars, coastal, and have 5 arms, mouth, stomach and anus
Chordata have what subphyla?
Urochordates, chephalochordates, Crianata and vertebrates
Urochordata (tunicates) are what?
sea squirts, have an exoskeleton coat called tunic, a u-shaped gut, two siphss, swim with notochord, and are suspension feeders
Craniates have?
Hagfish lack what?
vertebral collumn
Viporous is what?
live birth
Amphibians are the most ancient tetrapods.
yes they are
Amphibia are what?
Frogs, Salamanders, Caecilians, they exchange gas through their skin and are carnivores
Mammals/chordates have what defining characteristics?
they are endotherms (internal generated heat), has hair or fur, and have mammary glands
Monotremes are what?
Platypuses, Echidnas, most ancient group of mammals, and they lay eggs
Marsupials are?
Marsupials that have a placenta, the young are poorly developed, and stay atteched to their mother until they grow large enough to move independently
Eutheria are what?
Placental mammals, the most species-rich group of mammals, young much better developed at birth than marsupials, and have internal fertilization
All Reptilia have this one trait [except birds] what is it?
they are ectotherms, birds are endotherms
what is the scientific name for birds?
primates have what two main groups?
prosimians and anthropoids
great apes scientific name?
homosapiens came from where?
out of africa!
Major evolutionary development for humans?
being able to walk on two feet! bi-pedal development