Destination C1-C2 Flashcards
-> pour l’instant, pour le moment
for the time being
-> + present continuous
-> actuellement, en ce moment
at present (adv)
-> de temps en temps / de temps à autre
Every now and then
(Temporarily, for the moment)
-> Pour le moment
for now
- (evaluate)
-> (une situation, un candidat,…) évaluer, jauger - (appraise : value)
-> (une valeur, un montant) estimer, expertiser
To assess
- (confuse, mystify)
-> dérouter, déconcerter, laisser perplexe - (sound, light, etc : reduce)
-> (le son, la lumière) réguler, étouffer - (thwart plans or efforts)
-> contrecarrer
To baffle ([sb/sth])
- (suspicious)
-> douteux, suspect - (person: doubtful)
-> (personne) dubitatif
dubious (adj)
Avoir des doutes sur [qch] / quant à [qch]
To be dubious / doubtful about sth
- (slight idea)
-> un pressentiment, une intuition - (hump)
-> bosse
hunch (noun)
- (believable)
-> p….
Plausible (adj)
- (think)
-> réfléchir - (think about, reflect on)
-> réfléchir à - (consider, think about)
-> réfléchir à
To ponder (over/on [sth)
- (person: biased)
-> (personne) qui a des préjugés, qui a des idées préconçues - (attitude, belief: showing bias)
-> (attitude, idée) partial, préconçu
-> (résultat) faussé
prejudiced (adj)
- (with clause: assume)
-> présumer que, supposer que - formal (assume)
-> présumer, supposer - (dare)
-> oser faire [qch] / se permettre de faire [qch]
- and 2. presume (that)
- presume to do [sth]
- (fit [sth] into small space)
-> entasser [qch] dans [qch]
-> fourrer [qch] dans [qch] - figurative (fit [sth] into limited time)
-> faire beaucoup - informal (fit in: a large amount)
-> (familier) fourrer - informal (prepare for an exam)
-> (familier) travailler seulement pour l’examen
- and 2. cram [sth] into [sth]
- cram [sth] in / cram in [sth]
- cram [for]
- (who does not watch or listen)
-> inattentif, étourdi - (unobservant, who does not notice)
-> négligent
inattentive (adj)
practise and improve your skills or knowledge of something
To brush up (on)
suddenly have an idea : discover something by chance
to hit upon
- informal (with object: see, perceive)
-> distinguer, discerner, voir - UK, informal (with clause: pretend)
-> faire croire - (represent as) -> often refers to a false claim
-> faire passer [qqn/qch! pour [qch]
- make [sth] out
- make out (that)
- make [sb/sth] out to be [sth]
think carefully about something over a period of time
-> (bien) réfléchir à
mull over
solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it
puzzle out
get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it (research)
To read up (on/about)
invent or imagine something, especially an excuse
Quick! We have to… ….an excuse.
To think up
(compromise) If you……… between two things, you accept partsof both things in ordertosatisfysome of thedemandsof bothsidesin anargument,ratherthan all thedemandsof just oneside
-> trouver le juste milieu, le juste équilibre
strike a balance
(try to remember)
-> se creuser la cervelle, se creuser la tête
Rack/wrack your brain
-> idée originale, personnelle
-> invention personnelle
Naître de l’imagination de / être imaginé/inventé/conçu par
Be the brainchild of
It makes you think that you are better or more important than you really are
-> Monter à la tête de [qqn]
go to your head
Be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions
-> être sur le qui-vive
Keep / have your wits about you
Not have any way of proving that you are right about something
-> Ne pas avoir de preuves
-> (accusation, argument) reposer sur rien
Not have a leg to stand on
To be very involved in the details of something and so to not notice what is important about the thing as a whole
Not see the wood for the trees
Taking a very short / long time to understand or realise something
Quick / slow on the uptake
Something that …. …. …. sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details
Ring a bell
figurative (focus on trivial things)
-> chercher la petite bête
split hairs (verb + expression)
- UK (instruction)
-> Les cours - (university payment)
-> frais de scolarité
informal (figure out)
-> (familier) piger , comprendre
suss [sth] out
suss out that
figurative (understand)
-> comprendre
fathom [sth]
(all things considered)
-> Tout bien considéré, tout compte fait
on balance (adv)
informal (consider positive aspects)
-> voir le bon côté des choses
Look on the bright side (expr)
Believing that
In the belief that
informal, expr (decide)
-> se décider
make up your mind