Autumn Semester 2023 Flashcards
figurative (best,elite)
-> (familier) crème de la crème
Cream of the crop
- (large quantity of)
-> considérable, important - (important)
-> important, conséquent
substantial (adj)
- (resources: use)
-> Puiser dans / faire appel à - ([sb]: use contribution of)
-> Mettre à contribution / faire appel à - (clothing: put on)
-> enfiler / mettre
to draw on [sth/sb]
- (fold, wrinkle)
-> plisser - (become wrinkled)
-> (tissu, papier) se froisser
-> (visage) se contracter
-> (front) se plisser
to crease
- (fold line: paper, fabric)
-> pli - (wrinkle on face)
-> ride - (line ironed in clothing)
-> pli
crease (noun)
(as a joke, humorously)
-> pour plaisanter, pour rire
in jest
Ex: My suggestion was only made in jest: you shouldn’t take it seriously
- (people)
-> (les membres de la famille) famille - (home)
-> (famille) foyer
household (noun)
- (immediately, very soon)
-> bientôt - (now, currently)
-> actuellement, maintenant, en ce moment
presently (adv)
- (go upwards)
-> monter en flèche / s’envoler - (fly without propulsion)
-> s’élever dans les airs / s’envoler - figurative (go up rapidly)
-> monter en flèche, grimper en flèche / s’envoler
To soar
(principalement, grossièrement)
-> dans les grandes lignes
(introducing a clause) broadly speaking
(bad situation)
-> Situation désespérée, situation difficile
plight (noun)
(bad tempered, rude)
-> revêche, renfrogné, bourru
-> maussade
surly (adj)
se démarquer
-> (se distinguer, se différentier)
stand out
-> formal : distinguish yourself
Ne pas pouvoir s’empêcher de faire [qch]
Cannot help but do [sth]
Can’t help but do [sth]
(speaker’s platform)
-> estrade
- (mean, evil)
-> (personne) méchant, malfaisant, mauvais
-> (acte) méchant - slang (extremely good)
-> (familier) de ouf, de malade, qui déchire - (playfully mischievous)
-> espiègle, malicieux, coquin
Difference between “in the beginning” and “at the beginning”
In the beginning : used to describe the start of a period of time + to compare two situations in time
Ex: In the beginning, the company had all but three employees and a tiny garage as their office
At the beginning : refers to the placement of something + At the start of something (the starting point)
Ex: You should not use pronouns at the beginning of a paragraph!
- (temporary relief)
-> sursis, répit - (commutation of punishment)
-> (temporaire ou définif) sursis
reprieve (noun)
slang (1000 dollars/pounds)
-> mille livres/dollars
(a) grand
- (dizzy)
-> Pris de vertige / étourdi / avoir la tête qui tourne - (frivolous, silly)
-> frivole
giddy (adj)
(lightheaded with emotion)
-> ne tenir plus en place
to be giddy with excitement
- (dark, depressing)
-> lugubre, sombre, triste - (poor, inferior)
-> mauvais
dismal (adj)
Difference between wary and weary ?
Wary = not trusting -> méfiant, sur ses gardes
Weary = tired -> (soutenu) las, fatigué, épuisé
(upmarket or exclusive)
-> haut de gamme
high-end (noun and adj)
-> Either an adjective or noun (ex: But it’s on the high end)
(figurative) lie to harm reputation of
-> (une réputation) salir
To smear [sb]
- (holding hands)
-> main dans la main - figurative (together)
-> aller de pair - figurative (in close collaboration)
-> en étroite collaboration / de concert
-> (figuré) main dans la main
hand in hand (adv or adj)
figurative (issue: evident)
-> mettre en évidence
To bring to the fore
- formal (relevant)
-> approprié, pertinent - formal (relevant to)
-> en lien avec [qch]
-> avoir à voir à [qch], avoir un rapport avec [qch]
germane (adj)
germane to [sth] (adj)
- (sorry, regretful)
-> confus, désolé
-> (ton, geste, lettre) d’excuse - (excusing or defending [sth])
-> apologétique
-> (écrit, ouvrage, personne) qui excuse [qch], qui défend [qch]
apologetic (adj)
- (coming)
-> prochain, à venir
-> (livre) à paraître
-> (film) qui va sortir
-> (spectacle) qui va débuter - (talking freely)
-> communicatif, communicative
-> ouvert - (available)
-> disponible
forthcoming (adj)
- (painful, tender)
-> faire mal - (throat: enflamed)
-> (gorge, yeux,…) irrité - (muscle: aching)
-> endolori, douloureux
sore (adj)
Avoir mal partout, être courbaturé
To be sore all over
(admirable, praiseworthy)
-> louable
commendable (adj)
informal (parent: resemble)
-> être le portrait craché de
-> (caractère surtout) tenir de
-> (physique surtout) ressembler à
take after [sb]
(ne pas distinguer)
-> confondre
- (informal) get [sb] mixed up, get [sth] mixed up
-> Ex: The teacher still gets the twins in his class mixed up - confuse
- mistake
- (ideas, issues) conflate
- (that helps [sth] occur)
-> propice (à [qch]), favorable (à [qch]) - (that encourages, promotes [sth])
-> propice à [qch], favorable à [qch]
- conducive
- conducive to
Correct way of saying “j’ai dormi à 18h” ?
-> So not “I slept at six”
- I fell asleep around [time]
- I slept for X hours
informal. pejorative ([sb] who dislikes not winning)
-> mauvais perdant, mauvaise perdante
bad loser or poor loser
informal (go wrong, end badly)
-> tomber à l’eau
Go pear-shaped
- (food: pleasant tasting)
-> (nourriture) bon, bonne
-> (plus fort) succulent, savoureux - figurative (ideas: acceptable)
-> (idées) acceptable, convenable
-> satisfaisant, correct
palatable (adj)
- (to the exterior of/ from the interior of)
-> Hors de / de - (used in expressions (beyond))
-> Hors de - informal (be lacking)
-> manquer de / ne plus avoir de / être à court de - (of total number)
-> sur - (motivated by)
-> par
- /2. out of
- be out of [sth]
- out of
- out of [sth]
-> The parents did what they did out of love for their children
- figurative (afflicted: with disaster, disease)
-> touché/frappé par [qch] - figurative (affected: by panic, grief)
-> touché/dévasté par [qch] - (area, etc : affected, hit)
-> (zone, bateau, …) touché
- stricken with [sth]
- stricken with / by [sth]
- stricken (adj)
informal (increase)
-> augmenter, faire monter
-> (un prix, une addiction) gonfler
bump [sth] up
bump up [sth]
(off by heart, memorized)
-> parfaitement
-> à la perfection
-> (connaître) par coeur
Off pat (adv)
- (unable to leave)
-> (baleine) échoué
-> (personne) bloqué
-> (personne: plus familier) coincé - (abandoned)
-> abandonné
stranded (adj)
- (asphyxiate)
-> étouffer - (a fire)
-> (un feu) étouffer - (suppress by covering)
-> (figuré) couvrir, cacher - (with love, kisses, etc.)
-> couvrir [qqn] de [qch] - (stifle, suppress)
-> (figuré: un sentiment) étouffer, réprimer
- smother [sb]
- smother [sth], smother [sth] with [sth]
- smother [sth]
- smother [sb], smother [sb] with [sth]
- smother [sth]
(feeling sick)
-> nauséeux, nauséeuse
queasy (adj)