04.08.2022 Flashcards
someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different subjects
polymath (noun)
avoir le sens du détail
to have an eye for detail
to provide new information that makes a difficult subject or problem easier to understand
throw light on (sth)
(informal) something that makes you lose interest in something or someone
turn-off (noun)
(secretly, discreetly)
-> furtivement
surreptitiously (adv)
figurative, informal (in suspense)
->tenir [qqn] en haleine / faire languir [qqn]
to keep sb on tenterhooks
figurative (happening in steps)
-> qui se déroule
an ………….. event, situation etc is happening now
unfolding (adj)
- (be numerous)
-> verbe : … - (have a plentiful amount of [sth])
-> regorger de [qch]
To abound (with/in) [sth]
-> harceler, persécuter, tyranniser
To hector [sb]
figurative (be forced to admit error)
-> reconnaitre son erreur, admettre son erreur
To eat humble pie
(tell a malicious lie)
lie through your teeth