name this category of statistic?
organize, summarize and communicate data
- measures of central tendency
- measures of dispersion
descriptive statistics
name this category of statistic?
generalize findings from sample to a larger population
- estimation of parameters
- hypothesis testing
inferential statistics
what is this type of variable?
data can take on any value within a set range
i.e temperature, height, weight
continuous variable
what is this type of variable?
data can only be one of a limited set of values
- usually whole numbers
- count data
i. e number of children, number of students in class
discrete variable
what is this type of variable?
named categories
- no implied order among categories
- qualitative
i. e gender, blood types
nominal (categorial) variable
what is this type of variable?
nominal variables with only two categories
i.e yes/no, male/female
dichotomous variable
what is this type of variable?
set of categories arranged in a meaningful order
- differences between categories cannot be considered equal
- qualitative
i. e stage of cancer, pain levels
ordinal (ranked) variable
what is this type of variable?
ordered data with equal distances between values
- zero point isn’t meaningful
- quantitative
i. e IQ scores, temperature
interval variable
what is this type of variable?
data with equal intervals and a meaningful zero point
- quantitative
i. e height, weight
ratio variable
what is this type of variable?
variable being manipulated by the investigator
- intervention of interest
- not affected by the other variables being measured
- also called the predictor variable
i. e dose
independent variable
what is this type of variable?
variable being measured to determine the outcome
- changes as a result of intervention
- also called the outcome variable
i. e blood pressure
dependent variable
what is this measure of central tendency?
arithmetic average of a data set
what is this measure of central tendency?
middle value of a data set
what is this measure of central tendency?
value which occurs most frequently in a data set
what is this measure of dispersion?
difference between the highest and lowest values in a data set
what is this measure of dispersion?
difference between the 1st quartile and 3rd quartile of a data set
interquartile range
what is this measure of dispersion?
average of the squared difference of the means
what is this measure of dispersion?
square root of the variance
standard deviation
what is this common distribution?
Bell-shaped with single peak
Continuous variables
Mean = median = mode
Empirical Rule:
-68% of all observations fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean
-95% of all observations fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean
-99.7% of all observations fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean
normal distribution
what is this common distribution?
Discrete random variables
Fixed number of independent yet identical trials
-Every trial ends in success or failure
-Variable of interest is number of trials that ended in a success
Approaches a normal distributions with large sample size
binomial distribution
what is this common distribution?
asymmetric bell-shaped curve
positive/negative skewed distribution
skewed distribution
Skewed to the right
Mean > median
positive skewed distribution
Skewed to the left
Mean < median
negative skewed distribution