What is the dermatome and myotome for C1?
D: vertex of skull
What is the dermatome and myotome for C2?
D: Temple, forehead, occiput
M: NA for test, but weakness in SCM and high extensors
What is the dermatome and myotome for C3?
D: entire posterior neck, forward mandible
M: shoulder shrug (trap)
What is the dermatome and myotome for C4?
D: shoulder, clavicle, upper scap
M: shoulder shrug (upper trap, levator scap)
What is the dermatome and myotome for C5?
D: deltoid
M: arm Abd (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, biceps)
What is the dermatome and myotome for C6?
D: anterior arm, radial side of hand to thumb and index finger
M: wrist extension, elbow flexion (biceps, supinator, wrist extension)
What is the dermatome and myotome for C7?
D: lateral arm and forearm to index, long, and ring fingers
M: Wrist flexion, elbow extension (triceps, wrist flexors)
What is the dermatome and myotome for C8?
D: medial arm and forearm to long, ring, and little fingers
M: ulnar deviators, thumb extensions, finger flexors
What is the dermatome and myotome for T1?
D: medial side of forearm to base of little finger
M: pinch grip
What is the dermatome and myotome for L2?
D: Back, front of thigh to knee
M: hip flexion (psoas, hip adductors)
What is the dermatome and myotome for L3?
D: back, upper butt, anterior thigh and knee, medial lower leg
M: knee extension (psoas, quads)
What is the dermatome and myotome for L4?
D: Medial leg, dorsum of foot
M: dorsiflexion (tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis)
What is the dermatome and myotome for L5?
D: lateral leg, medial half of sole, toes 1-3
M: great toe ext
What is the dermatome and myotome for S1?
D: lateral and plantar aspect of foot (heel)
M: Planter flexion
What is the dermatome and myotome for S2?
D: buttock, thigh, posterior leg
M: peroneals