Dermatology Flashcards
What are important things to ask in the HxPC for a derm hx?
- Nature, site and duration
- Initial appearance and evolution of lesion
- Sx esp itch and pain
- Aggravating and relieving factors
- Treatments and if worked
- Recent contact, stressful events, illness and travel
- Hx sunburn and sunbeds
What are some other important things to ask about in a derm history?
PMH - hx atopy + skin cancer, suspicious skin lesions
SH - occupation, improvement of lesions when away from work
Impact of skin condition and meds.
What is the mneumonic for describing a lesion?
SCAM or ABCDE Size Colour Associated secondary change Morphology/Margin
Asymmetry ireg Border no of Colours in lesion Diameter Evolution
What do you feel for on a lesion?
Surface Consistency Mobility Tenderness Temperature
What is involved in a systemic check in a derm exam?
- Nails
- Scalp
- Hair
- Mucous membranes
- General exam of systems if needed
What do naevus and comedone mean?
Naevus - benign melanocytic tumor, more commonly called a mole
Comedone - plug in a sebaceous follicle = alt sebum, bacteria and cell debris. Can be open = blackhead or closed = whitehead
What are the ways to describe configuration?
Discrete, confluent, linear, target, annular, discoid.
What are the ways to describe colour of lesions?
Erythema, purpura, hypopigmentation, depigmentation, hyperpigmentation
What does morphology mean?
Structure of a lesion
What are ways to describe the morphology of a lesion?
Macule - flat, diff colour Patch - large, flat Papule - solid, raised <0.5cm Nodule - solid raised >0.5cm Plaque - raised scaling Vesicle - fluid filled lesion <0.5cm Bulla - raised fluid filled lesion >0.5cm Pustule -
What are the clinical features of eczema?
- +ve FH atopy
- Acute - itchy papules and vesicles, often exudative
- Chronic - dry scaly itchy patches, can be erythematous in white skin or grey in dark skin
- Common in flexors in children and adults
- Chronic scratching
What is the management of eczema?
- Avoid exacerbating agents
- Freq emollients
- Topical steroids, topical immunomodulators eg. tacrolimus
- Oral antihistamimes for sx relief, abx for secondary bacterial infections, antivirals if herpes
- Phototherapy and immunosuppressants - azathioprine, ciclosporin, methotrexate if severe and non responsive
What are the clinical features of acne vulgaris?
- Open and closed comedones = non inflam and mild
- Inflam lesions indicate mod and severe acne - papules, pustules, nodules and cysts
- Hyerpigmentation in dark skin and non erythematous nodules on palpation
- Commonly affects face, chest, upper back
What is the management of acne vulgaris?
- Topical - benzoyl peroxide, abx, retinoids
- Oral - abx and anti androgens in females eg. COCP
- Oral retinoids for severe acne
What is the pathophysiology of urticaria?
Urticaria = local increase in permeability of capillaries = histamine from mast cells is released = swelling of superficial dermis raising epidermis.
What is the management of allergic rashes and urticaria?
- Antihistamines eg. cetirizine
- PO corticosteroids if severe eg. prednisolone 40mg 7 days
- Avoidance of trigger factors, if don’t have one arrange for allergy testing
- Sx diaries