Derm Flashcards
- insufficient venous return –> fibrosis (“woody induration”)
Inverted champagne bottle
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
fixed oral plaques of EBV, often co-infection w/ HIV
NOT pre-cancerous
What defines disseminated Herpes?
crosses midlines or > 3 dermatomes
E tox v. Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis
Erythema Toxicum -24 to 48 hrs after birth, benign, erythematous blotchy patches with papules, pustules or vesicles
- If test pustules they contain EOSINOPHILS
Transient Neonatal Pustular Melanosis - starts in utero, have pustules that erupt to show melanotic base, will be in various stages
- If test pustules they contain NEUTROPHILS
Vasculitis (IgA)
Palpable purpura (non-blanching) of legs and butt
+/- abdominal pain, edema, arthralgias
Complications - HTN (measure), renal damage (get UA), intussussception
Anaphylaxis Dosing
give .01 mg/kg of 1:1000 IM epinephrine q 15 minutes in kids
.3-.5 mL of 1:1000 IM in adults q 15 minutes
Dyshidrotic eczema
- wax/waning chronic, tense water-filled blisters on margins of hands and feet
Guttate Psoriasis
- post febrile, small spots of psoriasis, NOT palmar, -RPR
Erythema Multiforme
VIRAL trigger (HSV, mycoplasma)
target lesion with central clearing
Minor - no mucous membrane involvement
Major - mucous membrane involvement (but still < 10% surface area)