Derm Flashcards
3 major epidermal cells
Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and sebaceous glands.
- What is it?
- Associated with which two things?
Reddening of the skin due to vasodilation.
Associated with dermatitis and psoriasis.
Vitiligo is associated with
Pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism, DM
Papsulosquamous disorders
Seborrhic Dermatits- Occurs in sebaceous glands. Scaling, itching, flaking, red patches. Due to yeast infection or excess sebum?
Psoriasis- Multi organ inflammatory autoimmune. Dry, elevated, rounded plaques.
Knees, elbows, eyelids. Triggered episodes by stress
__% of men over 60 have BPH
Can lead to ___
Can lead to kidney damage due to bladder infection or bladder distention, affecting kidney.
BPH symptoms
No pain, only urinary issues.
Tx: meds or surgery.
3 types of prostatitis
Inflammation of the prostate- Acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, chronic prostatitis (could be autoimmune)
More common in younger men, painful. No urinary issues!
Difference between BPH and prostatitis and prostate cancer
BPH- No pain. Only urinary issues. Older, over 60. Tx with meds or surgery.
Prostatitis- Painful, no urinary issues. Younger. (Chronic prostatitis)
Prostate cancer is similar to BPH. no pain, urinary issues. AA over 50 years. More symptoms at later stages. Dx DRE and serum PSA
Prostate cancer is the most common __Cancer in men.
___% is adenocarcinomas
Most common non cutaneous cancer in men.
95% adenocarcinomas.
Asymptomatic, similar to BPH until advanced stages. No pain, compressed urethra.
50+, AA more common.
How to dx: DPE or check serum PSA levels. normal is less than 4ng/mL. But PSA could be elevated due to other reasons.
93% survival rate.
Testicular cancer rule of 90
90% survival rate at 5 years.
key- self exam.
90% germ cell tumors, occur between 25-45, malignant, curable.
Menstrual cycle phases
Menstrual phase: 1-4
Follicular phase: 5-14
Luteal phase: Day 14-28
Ant pituitary gland releases FSH which causes the ovum to mature and release estrogen. This prepares the endometrium for the egg.
then LH is released, which triggers ovulation at day 14 and conversion of the follicle to corpus lutem. Corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogen. If no fertilization, hormone levels decline.
Types of dysfunctional bleeding
Oligomenorrhea (too light)
Menorrhagia (too heavy)
Amenorrhea (NO flow)
Dysmenorrhea (painful/difficult)
what hormone begins the menstruation cycle
Endometriousis risk factors
Nulliparous- women who have not given birth
30-40 years
Peridic hemorrhage of the ectopic tissue. Causes peritoneal irritation and adhesion (inappropriate wound healing)
- where do they occur
- what are they
muscular wall of uterus
benign, smooth muscle tumors.
Ovarian cyst
- Size
- symptoms
Cyst within the ovarian follicle. 95% benign
Usually are asymptomatic and resolve. Otherwise, may cause pain or menstrual irregularity.
- Risk factors
- Signs and symptoms
- PCOS increases the risk of
- Ocular manifestations
Obesity, and young age.
signs- excessive hair growth, androgen excess, infertility, obesity.
Increases risk of 2DM, hyperlipidemia, CVD, HTN.
ocular- dry eye and IIH
What 4 hormones change during pregnancy
Estrogen and progesterone.
Thyroxine increases to keep up with metabolism
Systematic changes during pregnancy
Gallstone, coagulopathies, transient hypotension from vasodilation, immunosuppression, decreased GI motility. Peripheral edema
Breast feeding decreases risk in child and mom
Child: Asthma, childhood leukemia, SIDS.Better VEP acuity at 4 months, stereo and matching at 36. Happens earlier!
Ocular changes during pregnancy
Decrease: K sensitivity, IOP, tear production.
Increase: K curvature
Placental abruption
- cause
- effects
premature separation of the placenta.
Could result in mom or baby death
Placental previa
Growth of placenta over the cervical opening. Could be total or partial.
Increases risk of bleeding during labor.
Usually deliver by sea section.
Molar pregnancy/Hydatidiform mole
Defect in fertilization that causes an abnormal placenta.
Partial- some baby development
Complete- no baby development.
Pre eclampsia
- signs
- risk factors
- ocular
Pregnancy induced HTN. 140/90
Sudden weight gain, PROTEINURIA, OLIGURIA.
First pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, obesity, Hx of HTN.
Ocular: Blur due to edema in retina. Retinopathy.
If this progresses to eclampsia, then you could get seizures or loss of consciousness. Could cause placental abruption or CLOTTING.
Menopause tx
Hormone replacement therapy. Decreases risk of osteoporosis and colorectal cancer.
increases risk of breast cancer, stroke, and MI.
How many women have fibrocystic breast changes
__% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer
__% of breast cancers have no family history
breast cancer is 2nd leading cause of women death related to cancer in which populations. # 1 in ___
Black women have a ___% higher breast cancer death rate. Why?
white and black
They have a 40% higher each rate. Most are diagnosed later stages. Due to structural barriers, physican barriers.
Main 2 breast cancer risk factors
Increases risk as you get older
Genetics- BRCA1 and BRCA2! (assoc with 5-10% of breast cancer cases. Individuals with these mutations have a 50-80% lifetime chance of cancer)
Breast tissue density
Early menstrual history
Main breast cancer sign, dx, and type, and tx
Peristent lump and thickening
dx mammogram. Should go annually over 40
70-80% are invasive ductal
tx: surgery and drug therapy
Breast cancers cause __% of ocular cancer metastases
8% come from lung cancers
90% go to the uvea
cervical cancer causes and risk factos
cause- HPV 16 and 18
Risk- Many pregnancies 4x
Smoking 3x
Oral contraceptive use 4x
Ovarian cancer screening and dx
risk factors
No screening, use CA-125 for dx
Asymptomatic until late.
Family history is main risk factor!!!!!! or personal history of cancer.
estrogens suppress production of ___, which prevents ___
Progestogens suppress production of ___, which prevents ____
Estrogens suppress FSH, which prevents ovulation.
Progestogens suppress LH, which prevents ovulation, thins the endometrium and thickens mucous.
Oral contraceptives
reduce risk of?
Increase risk of?
Reduce risk of- endometrial and ovarian cancer.
Increase risk of: Thromboembolism, MI 3x
Contra in smokers, liver disorder, breast cancer