Derm Flashcards
flat spot on skin
- macule < 1 cm
- patch > 1 cm
nonpustular, nonvesicular elevated lesion on skin
- papule < 1 cm
- nodule > 1 cm
small blisters
- vesicle < 1 cm
- bulla > 1 cm
collection of leukocytes in epidermis
broad, elevated flat lesions
-plaque > 1 cm
Atopic dermatitis- lesions?
- erythematous papular/patch
- areas of scaling
- pruritic
- patchy, dry, scaly eruptions
- facial rash on cheeks
- trunk and extremities, sparing diaper area
Atopic dermatitis- in who?
- 10% of all children
- eruption distribution changes w infant vs toddler vs adult
Atopic dermatitis- complications
- infection (from itching)
- exfoliative erythroderma
- mental and emotional anguish w growth disturbance
Atopic dermatitis- pathogenesis
- T-cell
- food allergy
- aeroallergens
- irritant contactants
- histology- spongiosis, eos, LSC
Atopic dermatitis- tx?
- moisturize
- avoid irritants
- avoid known food allergies
- antipruritic agents
- acute, rapidly spreading nonsuppurative infection of skin and soft tissue
- tender, warm poorly demarcated boggy plaque
- extremity
- trauma
- fever, ill-appearing
Cellulitis- pathogenesis
- trauma to extremity
- concurrent ulcer
- risk factors- stasis dermatitis, lymphedema
- staph aureus or strep pyogenes
Cellulitis- tx
- 1st gen cephalosporin, macrolide, or clindamycin
- elevation
Cellulitis- in who?
- young to old
- anywhere on body
erythema nodosum- clinical findings
- 20-30 yo
- symmetric erythematous nodules and plaques on ant LE’s
- tender nodules and plaques on b/l knees, ankles, and shins
erythema nodosum- pathogenesis
-hypersensitivity response- infection, medicine, herbs, vitamins
Psoriasis- clinical
- slightly elevated, scaly plaques w silvery surface on an erythematous base
- Koebner- scratch/trauma recreates it
- Auspitz-peel scale, pinpoint bleeding
- Woronoff’s ring- after, stain is left behind
psoriasis- histology
- acanthotic epidermis w club shaped rete ridges
- absent granular layer!!
Psoriasis- common types
- plaque
- pustular
- guttate
psoriasis- plaque type
- well demarcated scaly plaque
- elbows, knees, belly button
- coin shaped
Seborrheic dermatitis
see picture
Nummular eczema
(coin shaped)
-occurs in ppl who dont moisturize
lichen planus
see picture
psoriasis- pustular type
- sterile sheets of pustules on an erythematous base
- painful w fever
(Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis)
pustular drug eruption
see picture
Psoriasis- guttate type
- children, young adults
- post streptococcal infection
- trunk w sparing of palms and soles
Herpes zoster- in who
- children and adults > 55-60 most common
- react varicella zoster virus
- local radicular pain 2-3 days prior to eruption
Herpes zoster- pathology
-steel gray nuclei multinucleated giant cells w eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions