Deontology Flashcards
Who developed Deontology?
Immanuel Kant.
What does ‘deo’ mean?
What is Duty Ethics Tradition (Deontology)?
It is a Non-Consequentialist tradition which focuses on the intension/duties rather than the outcomes/consequences of the action.
What does Deontology care about?
WHY you did what you did and NOT WHAT you did.
How does Kant consider Moral Principles?
He considers them to be a priori - independent of experience.
Who are Moral Agents according to Deontology and Why?
Only Humans are Moral Agents - Kant proposed that only Humans can reason.
We possess rationality and reason. Through this, we have Free Choice -> Anthropocentric.
Define Moral Agent within Kantian Ethics.
A person with the capacity to act morally.
Define Maxim within Kantian Ethics.
Define Will within Kantian Ethics.
The faculty of deciding, choosing or acting.
Define Imperative within Kantian Ethics.
What is the Kantian Duty Process.
Intention -> Action -> Consequence.
Define Sense of Duty.
Allows us to take ‘commands.’
Respects and advances personal autonomy (Freedom).
What tradition is Consequential?
What does Teleological mean?
Telos = Outcomes.
Consequence based view of ethics.
What are the x3 ways in which Deontology and Utilitarianism differ?
- Non-Consequential VS Consequential
- Determined by Intention VS Outcomes
- Only behaviour that is considered ethical is if it:
has Duty and goodwill behind the action VS produces the greatest good for greatest number
List and Explain Kant’s x3 Maxims (Rules/Principles).
- Duty - an action has moral worth/value if it is done for the sake of duty.
- Universality (Categorical Imperative) - an action is morally correct if its maxim can be willed as a universal law. Act as if the maxim of your action was to become through your will a universal law.
- Respect and Equality - always treat humanity as an end in and of itself and NOT as a means to an end.
What are the x2 Imperatives of Kantian Ethics?
- Hypothetical - if…then
- Categorical.
Explain the x2 Imperative of Kantian Ethics.
- Hypothetical - represent duties that provide a means to an end
- Categorical - absolutely binding duty - always command and universal duty - duties that are ends in and of themselves
Which of the x2 Imperatives is not always Ethical and Why?
Hypothetical - if you want to maximise profit in your factory, then it is your duty to make employees work longer shifts.
List and Explain x7 Weaknesses of Deontology.
- Dispenses completely with the notion of ‘feelings.’ Suggests that feelings cloud an issue rather than inform it. Feelings are replaced with a sense of duty.
- Does not always see the Bigger Picture.
- Only deals with humans.
- Absolutism/Universalism can be problematic when dealing with ethics/morals where relativism has a role to play too.
- Consequences often matter within the context of Ethics.
- Does nothing to resolve conflict of duties. Which comes first - duty of mother, wife, sister, daughter, employer…?
- Says we all have Free-Will. How free are we?
List and Explain x6 Strengths of Deontology.
- Proposes that there are universal standards of ethics requiring duties/responsibilities that are to be followed by ALL.
- Has Egalitarianism built into its philosophical framework. We are all moral agents.
- Consequences/Outcomes do not make something morally ‘right/wrong.’ The proposed intrinsic in Deontology is Duty.
- Does not rely on religious belief. Universal moral standard exists apart/outside of spirituality.
- Does not have self-interest at its core, rather respect for oneself and one’s fellow human beings.
- Based on reason and rationality.
Explain the dualism that exists between Right and Responsibilities.
Does a sense of Duty respect and advance our sense of Morality?
Name what you consider to be a contemporary categorical imperative.
How does Duty Ethics tie in with Engineering?
Duty Ethics is the basis of the engineering professional code of Ethics - specifically regarding Public Health & Safety. Engineers have the duty of product and client confidentiality.