Dental articulators Flashcards
Class 1
Cast holder that cannot replicate movement of the mandible
It is less accurate as only vertical movement is recorded
Class II
Average value
Horizontal and vertical motion can be attained based on mean values
Class III
Condylar angles can be adjusted
Facebow can be used to mount the cast and more adjustments can be incorporated
Class IV
Fully adjustable
Fully adjustable, more accurate (Facebow) planes and fossas can be mimiced
Articulator def.
Mechanical device that represents the temporo-mandibular joints and the jaw members to which maxillary and mandibular casts may be attached to stimulate some or all the mandibular movements
Classification of Facebow
- Arbitrary
Fascia-Nasal relator
Ear Piece-orbital indicator - Kinematic
Arbitrary facebow
Used in complete denture construction
The fascia type of face bow utilizes approximate points on the skin over the TMJ as the posterior reference points
The center of condyle is arbitrarily located on the side of the face 11-13 mm anterior to the tragus on a line connecting the superior border of the tragus and the outer canthus of eye
These facebow uses the external auditory meatus as an arbitrary reference point which is aligned with ear pieces similar to those on a stethoscope
It has an advantage that it is simple to use, does not require measurements on face
Ear piece facebow is further classified as
* Spring bow type
* Whip mix face bow