Definition of dental abscess
collection of pus within the periodontium caused by the body’s immune
response to a bacterial infection
definition of periapical abscess
collection of pus at the apex of a tooth, usually caused by an
infection that has spread from the apical foramen of a tooth with irreversible pulpitis to
the surrounding tissues. It is a sequelae of Periapical Periodontitis.
definition of periodonttal abscess
Periodontal abscess is a collection of pus within the periodontium that occurs alongside a tooth as a result of an infection not caused by its root. It can be the result of food impaction in the sulcus, improperly scaled teeth, or penetration (
Diagnosis of dental abcess
(1) Sometimes visible fluctuant swelling but more severe.
(2) May have a fistula or sinus tract that drains into mouth.
(3) Radiolucent area surrounding apex of tooth or periodontal ligaments.
(4) Pain may be present, with symptoms of “high-tooth” (periapical)
Treatment of dental abscesses
(1) Periodontal abscess
(a) Systemic pain relief
(b) Drainage via gentle irrigation and dental scaling, else I & D.
(c) Antibiotics
(2) Periapical abscess
(a) Systemic pain relief
(b) Drainage via I & D
(c) Antibiotics
(d) Refer to dental for root canal therapy or tooth extraction