Dental Flashcards
Centric Relation aka
retruded contact position
CR is a relationship fo the bones of the upper and lower jaws ___ of tooth contact.
Centric occlusion aka
intercuspal position
Centric occlusion is the relationship between?
mx and mn occlusal surfaces that provides the maximum intercuspation between the teeth.
Independent of condylar position; it is a “tooth guided” position.
Character of occlusal contacts in the unworn dental arch are:
Bruxism may result in nonphysiological what contact?
four theoretical determinants needed to restore a complete and functional occlusal surface of a tooth are:
- amt of vertical overlap of the anterior teeth
- The contour of the articular eminence
- The amt and direction of lateral shift in the working side condyle
- The position of the tooth in the arch
Open bite aka
negative overbite
mx teeth are lingual to mn. teeth
Curve of spee
Anteroposterior curvature of occlusal surfaces, beginning at the tip of the lower canine, following the buccal cusp tips of the premolars and molars and continuing to the anterior border of the ramus.
Curve of Wilson
Mediolateral curve that contacts the buccal and lingual cusp tips on each side of the arch.
Sphere of Monson or the Monson Curve is
Curve of Spee + Curve of Wilson
Mn functions as a class?
III Lever
In the oblique ridge:
MB cusp opposes
MB groove of the mn. first molar
In mx. oblique ridge: the DB cusp opposes
DB groove of mn. 1st molar
Class I
Mn first permanent molar is slightly anterior to the maxillary first molar.
Mx canine is btw. mn. canine and first premolar in normal canine relationship.
Class II Div I
Mx. arch is positioned mesially, with mx. 1st MB cusp btw. mn. 1st molar and 2nd PM.
Mx. canine is ant. to mn. canine.
Excessive anterior overjet.
Class II Div II
Mx arch positioned mesially, Mx 1st MB cusp btw mn. 1st molar and 2nd PM.
Mx. canine is ant. to mn. canine
Incisors have less anterior overjet but deeper vertical overbite than Class II Div. I.
Class III
Mn 1st molar is mesial to mx. 1st molar
Mx 1st MB cusp occluding distal to buccal groove of the Mn 1st molar.
Non-supporting cusps aka
balancing, guiding, shearing, or non-centric cusps
temporomandibular ligament aka lateral ligament
prevents posterior and inferior displacement of the condyle.
Main stabilizing ligament of the TMJ.
Spenomandibular ligament (attached to lingula) and Stylomandibular ligaments (attached to angle of the mandible)
Responsible for limitation of mandibular movements (limit excessive openings)
Collateral Ligaments aka discal ligaments
restrict movement of the disc away from the condyle during function. Composed of collagenous CT.
Two distinct motions in the joint?
Lower compartment (condyle-articular disc) function
only a hinge-type or rotary motion can occur.
Upper compartment (mandibular fossa-articular disc) function
only sliding movements or translatory motion can occur.
The mn is moved in a number of planes:
- frontal plane
- horizontal plane
- sagittal plane
- up and down
- side to side
- forwards and backwards
Centric occlusion or intercuspal position is a what position?