Demography Flashcards
What is birth rate?
Birth rate is the number of live births per thousand of the population per year
What factors determine the birth rate
- Population of women who are of childbearing age
- How fertile they are
What is total fertility rate and how has it changed?
TFR is the average number of children women will have during their fertile years. It has risen from 1.63 children per woman in 2001 to 1.83 children per woman in 2014 but it is still lower than the peak of 2.95 children per woman in 1964.
Explain changes in women’s position as a reason for the decline in birth rate.
Changes include
- legal equality with men
- more educational opportunities
- more women with jobs and laws banning unequal pay
- changes in attitudes to family life and women’s role
- easier access to divorce
- access to abortion and reliable contraception
Harper: education has led to a change in women’s mindset, resulting in less children due to delay in or not having children in order to peruse a career.
Explain decline in the infant mortality rate as a reason for the decline in birth rate.
- The IMR is the number of infants who die before their first birthday per thousand babies born alive each year.
- Harper: a fall in the IMR (less infants dying) leads to a fall in the birth rate (less kids being born).
- The IMR has fallen due to:
1. Improved housing and sanitation
2. Better nutrition
3. Better knowledge of hygiene
4. A fall in the number of married women working
5. Improved services for mothers and children eg clinics
In 1900 the IMR in the UK was 154
In 1950 it was 30
In 2012 it was 4
Explain children as an economic liability as a reason for the decline in birth rate.
Children used to be an economic asset for parents as they would work from young. Now they are an economic liability because of:
1. Laws banning child labour
Compulsory schooling and raising the school leaving age means children are economically dependent on their parents for longer
2. Changing norms
About what children have a right to expect from parents means that the cost of raising children has risen.
Explain child centredness as a reason for the decline in birth rate.
Increasing child centredness of the family and society means childhood is now socially constructed as a uniquely important period in an individuals life. There is a shift from quantity to quality and so less children are being born along with more attention given to the few children that parents have.
Explain the effects of changes in fertility on the family
Smaller families means women are more likely to work which means there are more dual earner couples. However family size is only one factor- better off couples may be able to have larger families and still afford childcare so that they can work.
Explain the effects of changes in fertility on the dependency ratio
- The DR is the relationship between the size of the working/productive part of the population and the non working/dependent part.
- the earnings of the working population support the dependent population which is mainly children; less children means less burden of dependency
- however in the long term fewer babies means fewer young adults and a smaller working population, which increases the burden of dependency
- vanishing children
Falling fertility rates means fewer children and lonelier childhood experiences due to less siblings
More childless adults may also mean less voices speaking up in support of child’s interests.
Explain the effects of changes in fertility on public services and policies
A lower birth rate can lead to
1. Fewer schools and maternity and child health services needed
2. The cost of maternity and paternity leave are impacted
3. The types of housing that needs to be built are impacted
What is death rate?
The number of deaths per thousand of the population per year
Explain improved nutrition as a reason for the decline in death rate.
- Mckeown: improved nutrition increased resistance to infection and increased the survival chances of the infected.
x Mckeown fails to explain
1. Why women, who had less food, lived longer than males
2. Why deaths from some infections rose at a time of improving nutrition
Explain medical improvements as a reason for the decline in death rate.
Medical advancements which reduced death rates include:
- antibiotics
- immunisation
- blood transfusion
- improved maternity services
Explain smoking and diet as a reason for the decline in death rate.
- Harper: the greatest fall in death rates is due to less people smoking but obesity has replaced it.
- however, death rates from obesity have been kept low due to drug therapies
- Harper says we are moving towards an American health culture with unhealthy lifestyles but long lifespans due to the use of costly medication
Explain public health measures as a reason for the decline in death rate.
Improvements in health and quality of environment include:
- improvements in housing
- purer drinking water
- laws combatting the adulteration of food and drink
- pasteurisation of milk
- improved sewage disposal methods
- Clean Air Acts reduced air pollution