democracy and participation questions/plans/evidence Flashcards


Evaluate the view that think-tanks, lobbyists and pressure groups have little impact on government decisions. (30) 2019


+insider status eg bma or lgbt foundation as since tony blair all govs have been keen to advance the rights of gay people
-all depends on political bias of gov, eg taxpayers alliance will have lessened influence during a labour government
+can also take cause directly to the public e.g 2009 ‘clickocracy’ 38Degrees used this to promote campaigns to protect green spaces and gov based recycling of plastic. The use of pressure groups has a direct impact on government as they represent the voices of the people

+Chatham House think tank provides a widely and highly respected impartial view on global politics and is consulted by politicians, as well as this Demos is crossparty consulted on on social policy
-whilst think tanks are consulted, their advice is not binding and so can be seen to have no impact on government decisions.
+Iain Duncan Smith set up the centre for social justice whilst he was head of conservative party better advise the party on the problems faced by the most disadvantaged. Therefore showing that they are widely respected as a place for diverse policy making as they are frequently consulted to help make initial policy. (greatest impact as it is direct affecting decisions)

+lobbying has been used to bring under protection of all birds. The Raptor Alliance campaigned to parliament to organise a pigeon racing event in 2018 between the lords and the commons for the first time since 1928. Successful that tmay sponsored pigeon when asked in PMQ’s
-controversial and has led to tory sleaze events, Malcolm Rifkind, 2015 got caught trying to sell useful access to other MP’s. shows lobbyists can be bought to try and influence parliament. This makes little impact as there is a distrust between MP’s and lobbyists
+Gin Act 1751 stopped small scale production, 2008 lobbyists got it repealed and now boutique gin is one of the uk’s most enterprising exports

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Evaluate the view that the actions of pressure groups have been more significant than government legislation in defending and promoting rights in the UK. (30) 2020


+Gurkha Justice Campaign - petition led by joanna lumley gained 250000 signatures and led to so much negative publicity for gordon brown that he decided to grant equal rights of residency to all gurkhas
-stop the war coalition 2003- unsuccessful to stop the Iraq war despite 1 million people marching through london. Blair was committed to overthrow Saddam hussein and had support from conservatives giving 179 majority.
+this view can be dismissed as the only reason the pressure group failed was because the members in parliament weren’t acting in the interest on their constituents but rather voting in party lines, and Blair could use the royal prerogative powers to go to war if parliament didn’t agree

+Liberty has launched cases to the SC to demonstrate when the hoc has acted ultra vires. 2017 challenged legality of Investigatory Powers Acts in the cases that the EU court of justice declared it illegal.
-plane stupid was opposed to there being a third runway at Heathrow, they failed
+however this can be dismissed as they didn’t prepare a powerful enough case to persuade the government. This is why some fail and most don’t. They have a significant impact on decisions made by the government as they act as a check on their actions or persuade them to enact certain pieces of legislation.

+surfers against sewage ‘message in a bottle’ campaign demonstrated growing public outrage for the way plastic bottles are blighting coastlines
-from 2011-12 the global Occupy Movement were criticised for being incoherent, ideologically extreme and achievable. They didn’t prove to the government that there was a strong coherent reason as to why the government should level out the inequalities of global capitalism.
+the success of the surfers campaign came from objectively presenting the facts and the success in germany. Therefore showing that pressure groups have a large impact on the decisions made by the government, especially when they can show they have the support of the public and the backing of facts.

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