Anarchism Flashcards
Stirner on human nature
fundamentally self interested and individual liberty is sacrosanct
Proudhon on human nature
naturally communal
Bakunin on human nature
intensely social creatures and prefer collective activities
Kropotkin on human nature
social, preferring collective activities
Goldman on human nature
individual liberty is needed to be truly free
Stirner on society
a false construct
humans are all sovereign
Proudhon on society
People are bound by social and economic relations which are mutually beneficial
Bakunin on society
National boundaries would be abolished
Society would be based on cooperation and not competition
Kropotkin on society
Stateless society based on small independent and internally democratic communes
Goldman on society
believed in economic/gender/race equality
Stirner on the state
denies and inhibits individualism, must be abolished
Proudhon on the state
State supports capitalism and must be destroyed
preferably by peaceful means but by revolution if necessary
Bakunin on the state
state supports capitalism and must be destroyed by revolution
Kropotkin on the state
state supports capitalism and must be destroyed by revolution
Goldman on the state
state is part of an interlocking set of aspects of oppression, including region and property ownership
Stirner on the economy
the accumulation of property and material possession is the primary economic motivation
Proudhon on the economy
individuals would trade with each other on a mutually beneficial basis
Bakunin on the economy
the free market would be replaced by an exchange based on a system that recognised the true value of labour and goods
Kroptokin on the economy
capitalism replaced by a communist society
Goldman on the economy
Goldman’s ideas were essentially communist
from the anarchist viewpoint power is the means or instruments such as the law, the police and the use of ideology, by which the state and other social institutions secure their authority
from the anarchist viewpoint, it is the right of 1 person/institution to influence the behaviour of others and is seen as commanding, corrupting and controlling
from the anarchist perspective, it is a particular system of rule, from monarchism to dictatorship to liberal democracy, based on deceit and violence
from an anarchist perspective, the state is seen as a sovereign body that exerts total authority over all individuals and groups within its defined geographical limits
concern for the interest and welfare of others based on rational self interest or a belief that humans are social beings with a capacity for social solidarity
a form of self government or legislation, a combination of freedom and responsibility, in which the individual is not a subject to the will of the state or any other person
direct action
a whole range of political actions from non-violent to violent actions taken outside of the legal and constitutional framework
revolutionary trade unionism that uses direct action and the mass strike as an expression of the working class power to inspire popular revolt
direct democracy
from an anarchist perspective, citizens making law and policy decisions in person rather than through elected representatives in a form of popular, self government
from an anarchist perspective, a relationship of sympathy, co-operation and harmony between people, which means that they have no need to be regulated by the state and any regulation makes solidarity impossible
a system of equitable exchange between self governing producers, organised individually or in association and small scale private property based on use/possession
the abolition of private property and its replacement by a system of common ownership
mutual aid
the most successful species are those that employ solidarity and co-operation rather than individualistic competition
it is not synonymous with revolution but is rathe egoistic, not a political or social act, that allows individuals to elevate themselves above the established institutions, leaving the establishment to decay and die
5 core ideas
rejection of the state
economic freedom
anarchy is order
anarchist ways to overthrow the state
direct action/propaganda by deed
acts of violence
emerging revolution
creating new institutions
stirner - process where self interested individuals reject authority and state, they become conscious egoists
stirner - to be totally free, the individual must be utterly autonomous. individuals are sovereign and for liberty to exist individuals must be free of all external obligation/influence
Rothbard/friedman - liberty can only be experienced by the abolition of the state. individuals can then enjoy negative freedom and an atomistic society.
the functions of the state (police/education/welfare) would continue via entrepreneurs