Definitions of Abnormality Flashcards
What are the definitions of abnormality
Failure to function Adequately
Deviation of social norms
Ideal mental heath
Statistical deviation
Define Statistical infrequency
behaviours that are statistically rare are Abnormal
This depends on normal distribution. Those who fall outside of the 90% are abnormal.
Define Deviation from social norms
when behaviour doesn’t match what
society expects of them. This will vary per culture .
Define failure to function Adequateley
When a person cannot keep up with an exceptional standard of living (eg good hygiene)
Define ideal mental health
Having a realistic view of the world, not distressed, Self Actualisation And good self esteem. Deviating from these can be a case for Abnormality.
What is the strength of statistical infrequency
Real world application
Used in clinical practice - formal diagnosis and a way to assess severity of symptoms.
Eg diagnosis for intellectual disability requires IQ test below 70 (bottom 2%)
What is the strength for Deviation from social norms
Real world application
Clinical use
- failure to conform to culturally normal ethical behaviour eg recklessness or delusions diagnoses schizophrenia
What is a limitation to failure to function adequately
HARD to distinguish (could just be deviating from social norms)
Eg those without a fixed address could be seen as failure to function but some people like to live off grid
subjective - who has right to comment on dysfunctional behaviour
What is a limitation to Deviation from ideal mental health
cultural relativism
self - Actualisation may come across as self - Indulgent
who sets standard for mental health and is it too high?
who conducted sane in insane places
Examples of each definition of Abnormality
SD = Intellectual disability disorder
DVSN psychopathy
F T F A = Schizophrenia
DFIMH =Depression
What is a limitation of statistical infrequency
Not all abnormalities are negative
Some people might have a very abnormally high iq but that isn’ classified as abnormal
What is a limitation for deviation to social norms
Variability between social norms in different cultures and situations
Eg hearing voices in one’s head is not normal in western countries but in some cultures it’s a sign of ancestors
Being manipulative is seen as unacceptable in families but ok for business etc
Needs context
What is a strength to failure to function adequately
Represents a sensible threshold for when people need professional help
Tends to be that when we cannot function normally , we seek professional help
What is a strength for ideal mental health
Highly comprehensive
Concept from jahoda
Provides an operationalised checklist for all professionals to work against