Definitions of Abnormality Flashcards
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate deviation from social norms (DSN) as a def of abn?
- weakness - cultural relativism
- strength - prac apps
(cultural relativism)
weakness - social norms are created within a culture so def is limited by cultural relativism
as diff cultures have diff expectations of bhv e.g. in a western culture, indv receiving msgs sent from spirits could be seen as a symptom of sz as bhv is unexpected in western culture
whereas in a non - western culture, these msgs could be classed as a spiritual gift
therefore it may not be appropiate to use DSN to define abn outside of a specific culture
(prac apps)
However a strength of DSN - rl prac apps in diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder
mental health doctors can look at what the expected bhv is in society and use those cultural and social norms to diagnose abn bhv
e.g. indv who repeatedly commits illegal bhv or lacks remorse is deviating from social norms as this bhv is unexpected within society
(extra E, dont ask why :)
so is therefore diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder
therefore DSN is a useful definitiion when differentiating bw normal and abn bhv
What are two AO3 PEELS to evaluate failure to function adaquately (FFA) as a def of abn?
- strength - acknowledges personal experience of indv
- weakness - easy to label non standard lifestyle choices as abn
(acknowledges personal experience of indv)
strength - acknowledges personal experience of indv
although some criteria may be difficult to measure, def takes into account an indv personal/subjective exp
such as their perception of ability to cope w everyday life and whether or not they are feeling severe personal distress
therefore FFA captures the experience of many ppl who need help suggesting its a useful def for assessing abn
(easy to label non - standard lifestyle choices as abn)
However, whilst it is easier to identify who is not coping in everyday life a weakness of FFA is that its easy to label non - standard lifestyle choices as abn
it can be difficult to identify when someone is really failing to function adaquately or have simply chosem to deviate away from social norms
e.g. indv who take part in high risk activities could be unreasonably classed as irrational and danger to themselves and therefore abn
therefore, this is a limitation of FFA as people who make unusual choices are at risk of being labelled abn
What are the two AO3 PEELS to evaluate deviation from ideal mental health (DIMH) as a def of abn?
- strength - covers a wide range of criteria for mental health
- weakness - criteria is too strict
(covers a wide range of bacteria for mental health)
strength - covers a wide range of criteria for mental health
some would argue the def covers most reasons indv would seek help from mental health services
contrasting to other defs such as DSN that only focuses on 1 criteria for defining abn
therefore the wide range of criteria discussed in relation to ideal mental health strengthen the def appropiateness to define abn
(criteria is too strict)
Despite DIMH covering a wide range of criteria, it could be argued the criteria are too strict
people may not be able to realistically meet all 6 criteria that define mental healthiness at any one time
e.g. indv who has lost their job may not be able to cope with the stress and may result in developing negative self attitudes
(extra e, dont ask why :)
meaning indv would be classed as abn by this def, even though this would be a rational response for many
therefore, limiting the use of DIMH as a def of abn
What are two AO3 PEELS to evaluate statistical infrequency as a def of abn?
- strength - prac apps
- weakness - doesnt differentiate bw desirable and undesirable bhv
(prac apps)
strength - prac apps
this is coz SI is used in the real world in clinical practice, both in diagnosis and assessing severity of an indv symptoms
e.g. SI is used as an assessment tool in becks depression inventory where a score of 30+ iw widely interpreted as an indication of severe dep
therefore SI as a def of abn i.a.i.p.o.a.p as its useful in clinical assessment
(doesnt differentiate bw desirable and undesirable bhv)
However, just coz a bhv is rare, doesnt necessarily mean it would need to be treated as an abn
so 1 weakness of SI is that it doesnt differentiate bw desirable and undesirable bhv when defining abn
e.g. an indv with a high IQ is desirable and not seen as an abnormality. However by this def it would be seen as abn as it is statistically rare despite indv needing no treatment to return to ‘normal’
therefore this is a limitation of SI and shouldnt be used solely to diagnose or make a treatment plan