Biological Approach To Explaining OCD Flashcards
(Weakness - bio reductionist)
Bio approach to exp OCD can be criticised for being bio reductionist
This is bc it reduces the complex human bhv of OCD down to simple basic units of genes/nts imbalance/neuroanatomy
- this neglects a holistic approach that would take into account how a persons social and cultural context could influence OCD
- e.g. research has shown there is more ppl with OCD in certain religious groups where there is regular cleaning before prayer
Therefore the bio exp of OCD may lack val as it doesnt allow us to understand bhv in context
(Scientific methods)
However, reducing complex human bhv to basic units allows it to be studied scientifically, this is a strength of the bio exp of OCD
This is bc theory is based on objective and empirical techniques such as gene mapping studies to identify genes/brain scans to identify areas of the brain linked to OCD e.g. frontal lobes
Therefore some would argue this inc overall int val of the bio exp of OCD, raising psychologys scientific status
(Prac apps)
Studying the bio approach scientifically has led to prac apps
This is bc the POT that OCD is due to a mutation in SERT gene/low seretonin activity levels has led to development of drug treatments such as SSRIs
SSRIs inc the seretonin activity levels in the brain which red anx and OCD symptoms
Therefore the bio approach to exp OCD iapoap as it helps to improve the lives of those with OCD