Definitions Flashcards
Acidic Oxide
Oxide that lowers pH in water
Activation energy
minimum energy needed for colliding particles to react
Addition Polymerisation
Monomers combining to form a large molecule
The method of attachment of gaseous or liquid molecules to solid surface
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
instrumental method used to analyse water for heavy metls
Atomic number
number of protons in nucleus
Atomic orbital
Region around nucleus in which there is a high probability of finding electron
Bond energy
average energy required to break 1 mole of bonds into separate atoms in the gaseous state
substance that alters rate of a reaction and is not used up
catalytic poison
substance that blocks the active site of a catalyst and stops it working eg. Pb for Pt, Pd and Rh in a catalytic converter
Chemical equilibrium
state in which rate of forward reaction = rate of reverse reaction
separation of a mixture of components based on their relative attractions for a stationary phase while carried by a mobile phase
condensation reaction
production of a more complex molecule with formation of an unsaturated compound (or double bond) by the loss of a small molecule
covalent bond
involving sharing of one or more pairs of electrons
regular solids made up of particles with faces intersecting at fixed angles or consisting of particles in a lattice
Dobereiner’s Tiads
elements of similar properties in groups of three
reaction has notstopped
Effective collision
one that results in a reaction
chemical reaction caused by electric current passing through an electrolyte
measure of relative attraction for shared electrons
rate of forward reaction = rate of reverse reaction
excess plant growth caused by excess nutrient in water
Modified and purified raw materials
clumping of suspended solids in the water