atmospheric chemistry Flashcards
oxygen (the reactive gas)
- most reactive gas in air
- prep in lab by decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂)
- manufactured in industry by liquefaction followed by fractional distillation of air
- air turned into liquid + diff gases allowed to boil at diff temps
nitrogen (the unreactive gas)
- -most abundant gas in air (78%)
- colourless, odourless, tasteless gas
- so unreactive bc of large amount of energy required to break triple bond between N atoms
- essential for plant growth (need to make proteins)
- so unreactive it cannot be used directly by plants
nitrogen fixation
conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to useful compounds
two methods of nitrogen fixation
- during thunderstorms/lightning
- nitrogen-fixing bacteria
during thunderstorms
- discharge of electricity that takes place during thunderstorms provides enough energy for nitrogen + oxygen in air to react together.
- substance called nitrogen monoxide, NO, formed
- ntrogen monoxide reacts w/ oxygen from air to form nitrogen dioxide
- nitrogen dioxide dissolves in rainwater to form nitrous acid, HNO₃
nitrogen-fixing bacteria
- plants called legumes (eg. peas, beans) have tiny root swellings containing rhizobium bacteria which can fix nitrogen
- not enough nitrogen fixed by natural processes to provide for out needs
- soils for growing crops must have fertiliser added
- fertiliser produced by artificial fixation (eg. Haber process)
nitrogen recycling
- nitrogen must be recycled throughout an ecosystem + returned to atmosphere
- bacteria called nitrifying + denitrifying bacteria necessary in process of recyling
- nitrogen cycle
inorganic carbon compounds
- carbon dioxide,
- carbon monoxide (CO),
- carbonate compounds,
- hydrogencarbonate compounds,
- carbides
carbon burned in limited supply of oxygen
- if carbon burned in limited supply of oxygen, carbon monoxide formed instead of carbon diozide
eg. in car engines, in cigarette smoke
the carbon cycle
- percentage of carbon dioxide in atmosphere fairly constant at 0.03%
- some processes remove CO₂ from air, others return it to air
processes that remove CO₂ from air
6CO₂ + 6H₂O –> C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂
-dissolving in rainwater, rivers, oceans, some of the CO₂ becomes incorporated into limestone
processes that return CO₂ to the air
- respiration by living things
- burning of fossil fuels
- roasting of limestone
the green house effect
Greenhouse gases: CO₂, water vapour
-greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm enough to live on
greenhouse factor
measure of the greenhouse effect (heat-absorbing properties) of a particular gas when compared with carbon dioxide
what gases are not greenhouse gases?
increase in greenhouse gases - carbon diozide
- human activities leading to inc in conc of greenhouse gases in air
- level of CO₂ giving cause for concern. Burning of of fossil fuels results in large amounts of CO₂ being added to air
- inc in rate at which CO₂ released into air not matched by rate at which it is removed by photosynthesis or by dissolving in oceans etc
- residence time of CO₂in air about 100 years
greenhouse gases
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)
dinitrogen oxide N₂O
methane - activity that is increasing its concentration
- increasing size of cattle herds - animals release large amount of methane from intestines
- growing of rice in paddy fields
- anaerobic breakdown of organic material in rubbish dumps
methane - residence time
10 years
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) - activity that is increasing its concentration
- propellant gas in aerosol sprays
- discarded fridges
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) - residence time
100 years
dinitrogen oxide N₂O - activity that is increasing its concentration
car exhaust fumes
dinitrogen oxide N₂O - residence time
100 years
enhanced greenhouse effect
- increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in atmosphere may be leading to an “enhanced” greenhouse effect
- may bring about an increase in temp on surface of planet, referred to as global warming