Definitions Flashcards
Define Objective
A target or metric that an organization seeks to meet in order to progress towards a goal
Define goal
A longer term, ongoing and qualitative statement of a state or condition that business is seeking to establish or maintain. Goals are broken down into objectives
Define Knowledge Area
A group of related tasks that support a key function of business analysis
Define Interface
A shared boundary between any two persons and or systems through which information is communicated
Define Non-functional Requirements
The quality attributes, design and implementation constraints, and external interfaces that the product must have
Define Product
A solution or component of a solution that is the result of a project
Define Organizational Process Asset
All materials used by groups within an organization to define, tailor, implement, and maintain their processes
Define Inspection
A formal type of peer review that utilizes a predefined and documented process, specific participant roles, and the capture of defect and process metrics
Define Elicitation
An activity within requirements development that identifies sources for requirements and then uses various techniques to gather requirements
Define Business Analysis Approach
The set of processes, templates, and activities that will be used to perform business analysis in a specific context, either plan based or change based
Define Business Analysis Communications Plan
A description of the type of communication the business analyst will perform during business analysis, the recipients of those communications and the form in which communications should occur
Define Business Analysis Plan
A description of the planned activities that the business analyst will execute in order to perform the business analysis work involved in a specific initiative
Define Business Analyst
A practitioner of business analysis
Define Business Analysis
The set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison amount stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies and operations of an organization and recommended solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals
Define Business Architecture
A description of an organization’s current and future state including it’s strategy it’s goals and objectives, the internal environment through a process or functional view, the external environment in which the business operates, and the stakeholder affected by the organizations activities
Define Business Case
An assessment of the costs and benefits associated with a proposed initiative
Define Business Requirements Document
A requirements package that describes business requirements and stakeholder requirements, it documents requirements of interest to the business rather than business requirements
Define Business Requirement
A higher level business rational that when addressed will permit the organization to increase revenue, avoid costs, improve service, or meet regulatory requirements
Define Cost Benefit Analysis
An analysis that compares and quantifies the financial and non-financial costs of making a change or implementing a solution compared to the benefits gained
Define Change Driven Methodology
A methodology that focuses on rapid delivery of solution capabilities in an incremental fashion and direct involvement of stakeholders to gather feedback on the solution’s performance
Define Decision Analysis
An approach to decision making that examines and models the consequences of different decisions, this approach assists in making an optimal decision under conditions of uncertainty
Define Decomposition
A technique that subdivides a problem into its component parts in order to facilitate analysis and understanding of those components
Define Enterprise Architecture
A description of an organization’s business processes, IT software and hardware, people, operations and projects, and the relationships between them
Define Desired Outcome
The business benefit that will result from meeting the business need and the end state desired by stakeholders
Define Evolutionary Prototype
A prototype that is continuously modified and updated in response to feedback form users
Define Exploratory Prototype
A prototype developed to explore or verify requirements
Define Focus Group
A means to elicit ideas and attitudes about a specific product, service, or opportunity in an interactive group environment guided by a moderator
Define Functional Requirements
The product capabilities or things the product must do for its users.
Define Horizontal Prototype
A prototype that shows a shallow, and possibly wide, view of the system’s functionality, but does not support any actual use or interaction
Define Incremental Delivery
Creating working software in multiple releases so the entire product is delivered in portions over time.
Define Indicator
An indicator identifies a specific numerical measurement that indicates progress toward achieving an impact, output, activity, or input.
Define Initiative
Any effort undertaken with a defined goal or objective
Define Peer Review
A validation technique in which a small group of stakeholders evaluates a portion of a work product to find errors to improve its quality
Define Plan Driven Methodolog
Any methodology that emphasizes planning and formal documentation of the process used to accomplish a project, emphasis the reduction of risk and control over outcomes over rapid delivery of a solution.
Define Product Back log
A set of user stories, requirements, features that have been identified as candidate for potential implementation, prioritized and estimated
Define Problem Statement
A brief statement that describes the problems in the current state and clarifies what a successful solution will look like
Define Project Charter
A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the project, provides the project manager with the authority to apply organization resources to project activities
Define RFI
Request for Information
A requirements document issued to solicit vendor input on a proposed process or product, seeks to compare different alternatives or is uncertain regarding the available options
Define RFP
Request for Proposal
A requirements document issued when an organization is seeking a formal proposal from vendors, typically proposals must be submitted following a specific process, using sealed bids which are evaluated against formal evaluation methodology
Define RFQ
Request for Quote
An informal solicitation of proposals from vendors
Define Requirements Traceability
The ability to identify and document the linage of each requirement, including its derivation (backward), it’s allocation (forward), and it’s relationship to other requirements
Define Requirements Package
A set of requirements grouped together in a document or presentation for communication to stakeholder
Define Requirements Management Plan
A description of the requirements management process
Define Requirement Allocation
The process of apportioning requirements to subsystems and components,
Define Requirements
- A condition or capability needed by a stakeholder to solve a problem or achieve an objective
- A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a solution or solution component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed documents
- A documented representation of a condition or capability in 1 or 2
Define Requirements Validation
Work done to ensure that stated requirements support and are aligned with the goals and objectives of the business
Define Requirements Verification
Work done to ensure that requirements are defined correctly, are of acceptable quality, ensures that requirements are sufficiently defined and structured so that solution team can use them
Define Requirements Workshop
A structured meeting in which selected stakeholders collaborate to define and or refine requirements under the guidance of skilled neutral facilitator
Define Risk
An uncertain event or condition that if it occurs will affect the goals or objectives of a proposed change
Define Scope
The area covered by a particular activity or topic of interest, as in project scope or solution scope
Define Solution
A solution meets a business need by resolving a problem or allowing an organization to take advantage of an opportunity
Define Solution Requirement
A characteristic of a solution that meets the business and stakeholder requirements, maybe divided into function and non-functional requirements
Define solution Scope
The set of capabilities a solution must deliver in order to meet the business need
Define Sponsor
A stakeholder who authorizes the product development effort by contracting for or paying for the project
Define Stakeholder
A group or person who has interests that may be affected by an initiative or influence over it
Define Stated Requirements
A requirement articulated by a stakeholder that has not been analyzed, verified, or validated, frequently these are desires rather than actual needs
Define Subject Matter Expert
A stakeholder with specific expertise in an aspect of the problem domain or potential solution alternatives
Define Supplier
A stakeholder who provides products or services to an organization
Define Technique
Techniques alter the way a business analysis task is performed or describe a specific form the output of a task may take
Define Transition Requirements
A classification of requirements that describe capabilities that the solution must have in order to facilitate transition from the current state to the future state but will not be needed once that transition is complete
Define User
A stakeholder, person, device, or system that directly or indirectly accesses a system
Define Validation
The process of checking a product to ensure that it satisfies it’s intended use and conforms to its requirements, ensures that you built the correct solution
Define Verification
The process of checking that a deliverable produced at a given stage of development satisfies the conditions or specifications of the previous stage, ensures that you built the solution correctly
Define Vertical Prototype
A prototype that dives into the details of the interface, functionality, or both
Define Vision Statement
A brief statement that describes the why, what, and who of the desired software product from a business point of view
Define Element
For a given task, keys concepts that need to understood in order to perform the task
Define SMART
Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound
Define Technique
A way or method of doing a task, or the different forms an output may take
Define Stakeholder Requirements
Statements of the need a of a particular stakeholder or class of stakeholders, what this stakeholder has and how that stakeholder will interact with the solution, serve as a bridge between business requirement and solution requirements