Definitions Flashcards
Inability to provide oxygen to tissues
Lack of oxygen in arterial blood
High levels of carbon dioxide
Respiratory failure
The respiratory system fills to oxygenate arterial blood adequately or the person fails to ventilate well enough to eliminate carbon dioxide
Acute respiratory failure
Develops over minutes to hours
Chronic respiratory failure
Develops over days
Ischaemic hypoxaemia
Due to inadequate blood flow through lung
Anaemic hypoxaemia
Reduction in carrying capacity of the blood
Toxic hypoxaemia
Difficulty utilising oxygen
higher breathing rate than normal
Increase in the depth of the breath
Have an excess rate and depth of breath
The unpleasant sensation of n awareness of a breathing discomfort
An inflammatory condition of the lung leading to abnormal alveolar filling with consolidation
The permanent abnormal dilation in one or more of the lungs bronchi
Cystic fibrosis
An inherited autosomal recessive disease that affects several organs causing ducts to become obstructed with mucus
Pulmonary fibrosis
A restrictive disease caused by inflammation and scarring of the lungs
An umbrella term for chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic asthma
A condition where the alveoli become inflamed and lose their natural elasticity
An episodic increase in airway obstruction caused by various stimuli resulting in increased airway resistance
A chronic disease of the lungs where the bronchi become inflamed
Coronary heart disease
A disease where the coronary arteries are blocked and narrowed
Myocardial infarction
Blood supplying the oxygen to the heart is severely reduced or cut off
Heart failure
The rate is unable to adequately pump blood around the body usually because th heart ha neon too stif or weak
A condition in which lung tissue becomes firm and solid rather than elastic and air-filled because it has accumulated fluids and tissue debris
an airless state of the lung tissue which may involve all or part of the lung i.e. anything from a few alveoli to the whole lung
pleural effusion
excess fluid in the pleural cavity
air in pleural space secondary to a rupture in either pleural layer
pulmonary oedema
extravascular water int he lungs - interstitial or alveoli