Definitions Flashcards
Define aerobic work
Working at moderate intensity so that the body has time to utilise oxygen for energy production, allowing the body to work for a continuous period e.g long-distance events, for the duration of a match
Define anaerobic work
Working at a high intensity without oxygen for energy production, therefore limited energy so work period will be short e.g sprinting up the wing in a football match
Define antagonistic muscle pairs
Pairs of muscles that work together to bring about movement. As one muscle (the agonist) contracts, the other relaxes (the antagonist). For example the biceps and triceps. The triceps relax to allow the biceps to contract to flex the arm at the elbow. Roles are reversed to extend the arm at the elbow.
Define axis
A line around which the body/ body part can turn.
Define basic skill
A simple skill requiring little concentration to execute.
Define closed skill
A skill performed in a predictable environment e.g a player taking a penalty
Define complex skill
A skill requiring a lot of attention/ concentration.
Define deviance
Behaviour that goes against the moral values or laws of the sport.
Define distributed practice
Intervals between skill practice in training session for for rest or mental rehearsal.
Define exercise
A form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/ or fitness; it is not competitive sport.
Define energy balance
This is the basis of weight control. For body weight to remain constant energy input (via food) must equal energy expenditure.
Define feedback
Information received during or after performance about the performance.
Define fitness
The ability to meet the demands of the environment.
Define fixed practice
Repeatedly practising a whole skill within a training session.
Define frontal axis
Imaginary line passing horizontally through the body from left to right, allowing flexion and extension.
Define frontal plane
Imaginary line dividing the body vertically from front to back. Movement occurs in the frontal plane about the sagittal axis e.g when performing a star jump.
Define gamesmanship
Bending the rules/ laws of a sport without actually breaking them.
Define guidance
Information to aid the learning of a skill,. This information can be given visually e.g through demonstrations; verbally e.g by the coach explaining how to perform the technique; manually e.g by physically moving the performer into the correct position; and mechanically e.g using a harness in trampolining.
Define health
A state of complete emotional, physical and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.
Define high organisation skill
A skill that cannot be broken down easily and practised separately because the phases of the skill are closely linked e.g cartwheel, golf swing.
Define hydration
Being hydrated means the body has the correct amount of water to in cells, tissues, and organs to function correctly. The average recommended daily intake of water is 2.5 litres for men and 2 litres for women.
Define lactic acid
A by product of energy production. Formed when the body is exercising anaerobically at high intensity.
Define lactate accumulation
When lactate levels in the blood/ muscle rise due to increased work intensity e.g moving from aerobic to anaerobic exercise.
Define lifestyle choice
The choices we make about how we live and behave that impact on our health.
Define low organisation skill
A basic skill that can be broken down easily into different phases so each part can be practised separately e.g tennis serve, front crawl
Define macronutrient
A type of food required in relatively large amounts in the diet - fats, carbohydrates, proteins
Define massed practice
Practice that occurs without rest between trials.
Define micronutrient
A type of food required in relatively small quantities in the diet - vitamins, minerals, fibre, water
Define mechanical advantage
2nd class levers allow a large load to be moved with a relatively small amount of muscular effort.
Define mechanical disadvantage
3rd class levers cannot lift as heavy loads, with the same amount of effort, as 2nd class levers due to the position of the effort and load from the fulcrum.
Define muscle fibre types
Muscle fibres make up the skeletal muscle. The different fibre types are type I, type IIa, type IIx
Define open skill
Skills performer in an unpredictable environment where the performer has to react and adjust sue to the changing nature of the situation, for example a player trying to pass the ball to a teammate who is trying to get free from the opposition.
Define optimum weight
Refers to the weight someone should be on average based on their sex, height, bone structure and muscle girth.
Define sagittal axis
Imaginary line passing horizontally through the body from front to back, allows abduction and adduction.
Define anorexic
A prolonged eating disorder due to loss of appetite
Define sportsmanship
Playing by the rules of a sport