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Biology - Unit 1-4
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Biology - Unit 1-4
(65 decks)
Unit 1 Specification
1. Monomers and Polymers
1. Carbohydrates
1. Proteins - Many proteins are enzymes
1. Lipids
1. Structure of DNA and RNA
1. DNA Replication
1. ATP
1. Water
1. Inorganic Ions
1. Structures of all biological molecules
1. Food tests
Unit 2 Specification
2. Eukaryotic Cell Structure
2. Organelle Structure and Function
2. Structure of Prokaryotic Cells
2. Viruses and Viral replication
2. Light and Electron Microscopes
2. Cell Calculations and AIM Triangle
2. Mitosis and Cell Cycle
2. Cell Fractionation
2. Transport across cell membranes
2. Cell Membrane Structure and Function
2. Osmosis
2. Active Transport
2. Simple and Facilitated Diffusion
2. HIV
2. Immune System - phagocytes, B cells and T cells
Unit 3 Specification
3. Surface Area to Volume ratios
3. Plants and Xerophytes
3. Fish and insect gas exchange
3. Lung Ventilation
3. Alveoli and Gas Exchange
3. Lung Disease
3. Mid UNIT
3. Digestion
3. Enzymes - Digestion
3. Mass Transport
3. Haemoglobin
3. Tissue Fluid
3. Cardiac Cycle
3. Heart Disease
3. Some lovely exam Qs
3. Human Respiratory System
3. Water in Plants - Xylem
3. Phloem in Plants
Unit 4 Specification
4. DNA in Euk and Prok cells
4. The Genetic Code
4. RNA and protein synthesis
4. Genetic mutations cause genetic diversity
4. Meiosis causes genetic diversity
4. Random fertilisation and unusual life cycles
4. Genetic Diversity
4. Natural selection
4. Directional & stabilising selection
4. The concept of species and courtship
4. Classification
4. Genome Sequencing and Immunology
4. Biodiversity
4. Biodiversity farming and deforestation
4. Investigating Diversity