Defining Quality in Nursing Homes Flashcards
What is the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA 87)?
Quality of Life emphasized Resident Assessment Instrument (admission, annually and w/ status change) MDS (Minimum Data Sets) RAP (Resident Assessment Protocols) Led to QI/QM development
What is the minimum data set?
Federally mandated process for clinical assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid certified nursing homes.
Comprehensive assessment of each resident’s functional capabilities & identification of health problems.
Resident Assessment Protocols (RAPs)
Version 3.0 launched October 2010
Tested in 71 community NHs and 19 VHA NHs
Takes 45% less time to complete (than 2.0)
Gives residents a greater voice
Assessment based on evidence e.g., PHQ-9 Depression scale, Braden PrU assessment scale etc.
What are Resident Assessment Protocols (RAPs)?
Resident Assessment Protocols (RAPs), are part of the MDS process, and provide the foundation upon which a resident’s individual care plan is formulated.
Describe OBRA definition of quality of life.
Nursing facilities must care for residents in such a manner and in such an environment as will promote maintenance or enhancement of the quality of life of each resident.
Describe OBRA definition of Quality of Care
Nursing facilities must provide services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident, in accordance with a written plan of care.
Describe OBRA definition of Residents’ Rights?
Nursing facilities must protect and promote the rights of each resident, including each of the following rights… and it lists eleven rights in detail.
Three important provisions of OBRA 87 include:
Quality of Life
Quality of Care
Residents’ Rights
Which regulations (federal vs. state) provide the minimum standard of care and what does that mean?
Notice that the law applies to each resident. That standard places an appropriate and heavy responsibility on nursing homes to meet every resident’s individual needs.
A second important word is must. Nursing homes have no choice but to meet these standards.
Federal Regs define the minimum standard of care.
What was the effect of the OBRA provisions?
Changed the emphasis of care from a medical model to psychosocial model. Holistic model of care.
The survey, certification, and enforcement final rule from HCFA published in 1985 began the final phase in implementing the nursing facility reform provisions of OBRA.
On the survey side, the rule defined what constituted compliance as well as how and to what extent facilities would be subject to enforcement actions for failing to meet the standards.
On the enforcement side, the rule made possible a broader array of potential enforcement actions against nursing facilities, including civil money penalties.
What was included in the OBRA provisions?
Facilities have a Medical Director
Mandated nurses aide training and certification
Licensed nurses around the clock including RNs every day
Pre admission assessment
Comprehensive assessments (MDS) within 14 days
Plan of care based on the above assessment
Quality Assurance
Social Workers
Qualified Dietician
Activities Programs
Rehabilitative Services
Independent Consultant monitoring psychopharmacologic drugs
What is the HCFA checklist for what makes a good nursing home?
Choice in daily routine Resident well groomed and dressed Facility looks and smells clean Staff and residents interact warmly Choice in food Religious and spiritual needs met Robust Quality Improvement process
What is the system in place to evaluate quality in the nursing home?
Department of Health Inspections: for all facilities participating in Medicare/Medicaid
Conducted every 12-15 months (annual survey), as well as, complaint surveys
180 regulatory standards evaluated
What is a standard survey and what does it assess?
Based on specific procedures, the standard survey assesses:
Compliance with resident’s rights and quality of life requirements.
Accuracy of comprehensive assessment and adequacy of care plans based on these assessments.
Quality of care and services furnished as measured by indicators of medical, nursing rehabilitation, drug therapy, nutritional services, activities and social participation, sanitation, and infection control.
What is the role of an extended survey?
conducted after substandard quality of care is found during a standard survey.
What is an abbreviated standard survey?
this survey focuses on particular tasks that related, for example, to complaints received or a change of ownership, management or Director of Nursing.
What is the purpose of the survey?
Inspections determine “minimum standards”
If standards are not met in certain areas, citations are given
Inspection results are public documents
Deficiencies may have associated monetary fines and/or other penalties
What aspects of nursing care life are evaluated in the survey?
The care of residents and processes used
How the staff interact with residents
Review of clinical records, staff and resident interview, observation of care
Describe the survey tasks?
Task 1 – Off Site Survey Preparation Task 2 – Entrance Conference/Onsite Preparatory Activities Task 3 – Initial Tour Task 4 – Sample Selection Task 5 – Information Gathering Task 6 Information Analysis for Deficiency Determination Task 7 Exit Conference
List the various information gathering tasks included in Task 5 of the Survey Tasks
5A General Observations 5B Kitchen/Food Service Observations 5C Resident Review 5D Quality of Life Assessment 5E Medication Pass Observation 5F Quality Assessment and Assurance Review 5G Abuse Prohibition Investigative Protocols
What is a Facility Characteristics Report
describes certain population statistics for the selected facility
What is a Facility Quality Measure/Indicator Report
compares the facility to all others in the state
What is a Resident Level Quality Measure/Indicator Reports ?
lists all residents of a long term care facility and their QI conditions
What is a Facility CHaracteristics QI report?
describes certain population statistics for the selected long term care facility.
What is a Facility Quality Indicator Profile?
compares the facility to all others in the state on twenty-four indicators (NHA review every month).
What is a resident level summary?
lists all residents of a long term care facility and their QI conditions.
How does the survey assess for Quality of Life?
Resident grooming and dress
Staff-resident interaction related to residents’ dignity; privacy and care needs, including staff availability and responsiveness to residents’ requests for assistance
The way staff talk to residents, the nature and manner of interactions, and whether residents are spoken to when care is given
Emotional and behavioral conduct of the residents and interventions by the staff
Resident behaviors and the manner in which these behaviors are being addressed
What is included in Care issues, how care is provided, and prevalence of special care needs?
Skin conditions
Skin tears, bruising, or evident of fractures
Dehydration risk factors
Edema, emaciation and fractures
Poor positioning and use of physical restraints
Side effects of antipsychotic drug use such as tardive dyskinesia
Presence or prevalence of infections
Pre-selected concerns and potential residents
Observations of all residents during the tour
Pressure sores
Significant weight loss
Feeding tubes
Ventilators, oxygen, or intravenous therapies
What is a closed record review?
Looking for information such as assessment and care of infections, pressure sores, significant weight loss, restraints, multiple fall or injuries, discharge planning, transfer and discharge requirements.
Disposition of personal effects
Closure of medical record with physician discharge summary within 30 days.
What is included in the activities guideline?
Care planning individualized.
Activity care plan goals measurable and focused on a desired outcome.
Activities must match the skills, abilities, needs and desires of the resident.
Does staff know their role in providing activities if activity staff is not available?
Calendar should reflect religious and cultural interests of residents.
What is the Exit Conference?
The objective of this task is to inform the facility of the survey team’s observation of preliminary findings.
Invited guests include the Ombudsman, residents, President of the Resident Council (or designated member of the Council), management, staff, Board members, Medical Director.
May have a preliminary exit with the Administrator.
Define F223 Abuse
The resident has the right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical and mental abuse corporal punishment and involuntary seclusion.
Define F279 Refusal of Treatment
Rts have the right to refuse treatment.
Guidelines state facility shows provided adequate information to the resident so that the rt could make an informed choice. Does POC reflect efforts to find alternative means to address problem. Rt has capability make healthcare decision.
Define F323 Accidents
The facility must ensure that the resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.
How does survey define/rate scope and severity of citations?
Severity level 1-4 – effect on resident outcome (from no actual harm with potention for minimal negative impact to immediate jeopardy to resident health/safety)
Scope – number of residents potentially or actually affected (isolated, pattern, widespread)
NOTE: scope and severity determinations are also applicable to deficiencies at 483.70 (a) Life Safety from Fire
What monetary fine and scope can survey citations have?
Can come with a big fine ranging from $3,050 to $10,000 per day.
Can go back to date of incident
Example: elopement reported 4 months earlier and determination that door alarms were not working
What are strengths/limitations of surveys?
Strengths: Comprehensive Unannounced Onsite visit by trained inspectors Federal Quality Checks- federal surveyors check on the work of state surveyors
Limitations: Variation between states
What are nursing home ratings?
Five-Star Quality Rating
Created to help consumer s, families, and caregivers compare nursing homes
Result of QI campaign Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes
Ratings are based on:
Health Inspections
Quality Measures
How is staffing rated?
The rating is based on the average number of direct care hours per resident per day
Includes care provided by RNs, LPNs, and CNAs
Adjusted for case-mix using RUGs scores (determines resident acuity), meaning a home that has residents with more intensive care needs would be expected to have more staff.
What are staffing requirement per regulations?
**Must provide care in order to attain the highest practicable physical and psychosocial well being
**Staffing requirements outlined in the regulations are the “mimimum standards” and the regulations state enough staff to meet the needs of the resident
Medicare and Medicaid primarily pay 60% of the LTC bill in the US
PA state reg 211.12- Nursing services
2.7 hrs of direct resident care for each resident
Benefits and limitations of 5 star rating system?
Easily accessible to consumer
Quality ratings are updated monthly
Does not account for state variations
Data is self-reported on staffing and QMs
System does not rate family or resident satisfaction
What is the CQI Cycle?
A planned sequence of systematic and documented activities aimed at improving a process.
Improvements can be effected:
By improving the process itself or
Improving the outcomes of the process
Define the QI process steps